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InfluxDB Data Source

InfluxDB data source is the process of writing data from the InfluxDB server to the currently selected TDengine Cloud instance via a connection agent.


  • Create an empty database to store your InfluxDB data. For more information, see Database.
  • Ensure that the connection agent is running on a machine located on the same network as your OPC Server. For more information, see Install Connection Agent.


  1. In TDengine Cloud, open Data In page. On the Data Sources tab, click Add Data Source button to open the new data source page. In the Name input, fill in the name of the data source and select the type of InfluxDB, and in the Agent selection, select the agent you have already created, or if you have not created a agent, click the Create New Agent button to create it.

  2. In the Target DB, select the database of the current TDengine Cloud instance as the target database.

  3. In the Protocol column, configure the connection protocol, which can be configured as WS or WSS.

  4. In the IP address input field, enter the address of the InfluxDB server, either an IP address or a domain name, this field is required.

  5. In the Port input field, enter the InfluxDB server port. By default, InfluxDB listens on port 8086 for HTTP requests and port 8088 for HTTPS requests, this field is required.

  6. In the Authentication section, you can click 1.x version and 2.x version to switch between different versions of the InfluxDB server version of the data source, and after switching the version, you can fill in the Version input box with the specific version. If it is version 2.x of InfluxDB, please enter the organization ID to be synchronized in the Organization ID input field, this field is required; and then enter a token with at least read access to the specified bucket under this organization ID in the Token input field, this field is required; if it is version 1.x of InfluxDB, please fill in the corresponding user name and password.

  7. You can click the Connectivity Check button to check whether the communication between the Cloud instance and the InfluxDB server is available.

  8. In the task card, you can configure the following information:

    • In the Bucket input field, enter a bucket that needs to be synchronized. Currently, only one bucket can be synchronized to the TDengine database, this field is required;
    • In the Measurements selection, you can select another Measurement to be synchronized, if not, the Measurements contained in the Bucket will be synchronized;
    • In the Data Begin Time input field, you can select a start time to synchronize the data by clicking on it, the start time is in UTC time, this field is required;
    • In the Data End Time input field, when no end time is specified, the latest data will be synchronized continuously; when an end time is specified, the data will be synchronized only up to this end time; the end time will be in UTC time; this item is an optional field;
    • In the Time range per read in minutes input field, configure the maximum time range when the connector reads data from the source InfluxDB database at a time, this is a very important parameter that needs to be determined by the user in combination with the server performance and data storage density. If the range is too small, the execution speed of the synchronization task will be very slow; if the range is too large, the InfluxDB database system may fail due to excessive memory usage.
    • In the Delay in seconds input field, to eliminate the impact of out-of-order data, TDengine always waits for the specified duration here before reading data.
  9. In the Advanced Options card, you can configure the following information:

    • Log Level Configure the log level of the connector, support error, warn, info, debug, trace 5 levels, the default value is info.
    • Maximum read concurrency Configure the maximum concurrency when the connector reads data from the source InfluxDB database, the default value is 50.
    • Maximum write concurrency Configure the maximum concurrency when the connector writes data to the target TDengine database, the default value is 50.
    • Batch Size Configure the maximum batch size when the connector writes data to the target TDengine database, the default value is 5000.
  10. After completing the above information, click the Add button to start the data synchronization from InfluxDB to TDengine Cloud instance directly.