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Schemaless - InfluxDB Line Protocol

In this section we will explain how to write into TDengine cloud service using schemaless InfluxDB line protocols over REST interface.


Run this command in your terminal to save the TDengine cloud token and URL as variables:

export TDENGINE_CLOUD_TOKEN="<token>"
export TDENGINE_CLOUD_URL="<url>"


You can use any client that supports the http protocol to access the RESTful interface address <cloud_url>/influxdb/v1/write to write data in InfluxDB compatible format to TDengine. The EndPoint is as follows:


Support InfluxDB query parameters as follows.

  • db Specifies the database name used by TDengine
  • precision The time precision used by TDengine
    • ns - nanoseconds
    • u - microseconds
    • ms - milliseconds
    • s - seconds
    • m - minutes
    • h - hours

Insert Example

curl --request POST "$TDENGINE_CLOUD_URL/influxdb/v1/write?db=<db_name>&token=$TDENGINE_CLOUD_TOKEN&precision=ns" --data-binary "measurement,host=host1 field1=2i,field2=2.0 1577846800001000001"

Query Example with SQL

  • measurement is the super table name.
  • you can filter data by tag, like:where host="host1".
curl -L -d "select * from <db_name>.measurement where host=\"host1\"" $TDENGINE_CLOUD_URL/rest/sql/test?token=$TDENGINE_CLOUD_TOKEN