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TDinsight Reference

TDinsight is a monitoring solution for TDengine using [Grafana].

TDengine writes information such as server CPU, memory, disk space, bandwidth, request count, disk read/write speed, and slow queries into a specified database periodically through taosKeeper. By using Grafana and the TDengine data source plugin, TDinsight visualizes cluster status, node information, insert and query requests, and resource usage, providing developers with the convenience to monitor the operational status of the TDengine cluster in real-time. This document will guide users on how to install the TDengine data source plugin and deploy the TDinsight visualization dashboard.


First, check the following services:

  • TDengine is installed and running normally. This dashboard requires TDengine or above, and monitoring reporting configuration enabled. For specific configurations, please refer to: TDengine Monitoring Configuration.

  • taosAdapter is installed and running normally. For details, please refer to: taosAdapter Reference Manual

  • taosKeeper is installed and running normally. For details, please refer to: taosKeeper Reference Manual

  • Grafana service is installed and running normally. We recommend using the latest version of Grafana, TDInsight supports Grafana 7.5 and above.


    In the following description, we use Grafana v11.0.0 as an example. Other versions may differ in functionality, please refer to Grafana Official Website.

Then record the following information:

  • taosAdapter cluster REST API address, such as: http://localhost:6041.
  • taosAdapter cluster authentication information, which can use username and password.
  • taosKeeper database name for recording monitoring metrics.

Install TDengine Data Source Plugin and Configure Data Source

For steps on installing the Grafana TDengine data source plugin and configuring the data source, please refer to: Integration with Grafana

Import TDinsightV3 Dashboard

In the TDengine data source configuration interface, click the "Dashboards" tab, then click "import" to import the "TDengine for 3.x" dashboard. After successful import, you can access this dashboard. In the "Log from" option in the top left corner, select the database set in taosKeeper for recording monitoring metrics to view the monitoring results.

TDinsightV3 Dashboard Details

The TDinsight dashboard aims to provide information on the usage and status of TDengine-related resources, such as dnodes, mnodes, vnodes, and databases. It mainly includes Cluster Status, DNodes Overview, MNode Overview, Requests, Databases, DNode Resource Usage, and taosAdapter Monitoring Information. Below, we will explain each in detail.

Cluster Status

This section includes current information and status of the cluster.

Metric details (from top to bottom, left to right):

  • First EP: The firstEp setting in the current TDengine cluster.
  • Version: TDengine server version (master mnode).
  • Expire Time - Expiration time for the enterprise edition.
  • Used Measuring Points - Number of measuring points used in the enterprise edition.
  • Databases - Number of databases.
  • Connections - Current number of connections.
  • DNodes/MNodes/VGroups/VNodes: Total and alive count of each resource.
  • DNodes/MNodes/VGroups/VNodes Alive Percent: The ratio of alive/total for each resource, enable alert rules, and trigger when the resource survival rate (average healthy resource ratio within 1 minute) is less than 100%.
  • Measuring Points Used: Number of measuring points used with alert rules enabled (no data for community edition, healthy by default).

DNodes Overview

This section includes basic information about the cluster's dnodes.

Metric details:

  • DNodes Status: A simple table view of show dnodes.
  • DNodes Number: Changes in the number of DNodes.

MNode Overview

This section includes basic information about the cluster's mnode.

Metric details:

  1. MNodes Status: A simple table view of show mnodes.
  2. MNodes Number: Similar to DNodes Number, changes in the number of MNodes.

Request Statistics

This section includes statistical metrics for SQL execution in the cluster.

Metric details:

  1. Select Request: Number of select requests.
  2. Delete Request: Number of delete requests.
  3. Insert Request: Number of insert requests.
  4. Inserted Rows: Actual number of rows inserted.
  5. Slow Sql: Number of slow queries, which can be filtered by duration at the top.

Table Statistics

This section includes statistical metrics for tables in the cluster.

Metric details:

  1. STables: Number of supertables.
  2. Total Tables: Total number of tables.
  3. Tables: Time variation graph of all basic tables.
  4. Tables Number Foreach VGroups: Number of tables contained in each VGroup.

DNode Resource Usage

This section includes a display of resource usage for all data nodes in the cluster, with each data node shown as a Row.

Metric details (from top to bottom, left to right):

  1. Uptime: Time elapsed since the creation of the dnode.
  2. Has MNodes?: Whether the current dnode is an mnode.
  3. CPU Cores: Number of CPU cores.
  4. VNodes Number: Number of VNodes on the current dnode.
  5. VNodes Masters: Number of vnodes in the master role.
  6. Current CPU Usage of taosd: CPU usage rate of the taosd process.
  7. Current Memory Usage of taosd: Memory usage of the taosd process.
  8. Max Disk Used: Maximum disk usage rate for all data directories of taosd.
  9. CPU Usage: CPU usage rate of the process and system.
  10. RAM Usage: Time-Series view of RAM usage metrics.
  11. Disk Used: Disk used at each level under multi-level storage (default is level0).
  12. Disk IO: Disk IO rate.
  13. Net IO: Network IO, total network IO rate excluding local network.

taosAdapter Monitoring

This section includes detailed statistics for taosAdapter rest and websocket requests.

Metric details:

  1. Total: Total number of requests
  2. Successful: Total number of successful requests
  3. Failed: Total number of failed requests
  4. Queries: Total number of queries
  5. Writes: Total number of writes
  6. Other: Total number of other requests

There are also line charts for the above categories.


The following three methods can be used for upgrading:

  • Use the graphical interface, if there is a new version, you can click update on the "TDengine Datasource" plugin page to upgrade.
  • Follow the manual installation steps to install the new Grafana plugin and Dashboard yourself.
  • Upgrade to the latest Grafana plugin and TDinsight Dashboard by rerunning the script.


For different installation methods, when uninstalling:

  • Use the graphical interface, click "Uninstall" on the "TDengine Datasource" plugin page.
  • For TDinsight installed via the script, you can use the command line -R to clean up related resources.
  • For manually installed TDinsight, to completely uninstall, you need to clean up the following:
    1. TDinsight Dashboard in Grafana.
    2. Data Source in Grafana.
    3. Delete the tdengine-datasource plugin from the plugin installation directory.


Detailed Description of

Below is a detailed explanation of the usage of

./ -h|--help
./ -n <ds-name> -a <api-url> -u <user> -p <password>

Install and configure TDinsight dashboard in Grafana on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 system.

-h, -help, --help Display help

-V, -verbose, --verbose Run script in verbose mode. Will print out each step of execution.

-v, --plugin-version <version> TDengine datasource plugin version, [default: latest]

-P, --grafana-provisioning-dir <dir> Grafana provisioning directory, [default: /etc/grafana/provisioning/]
-G, --grafana-plugins-dir <dir> Grafana plugins directory, [default: /var/lib/grafana/plugins]
-O, --grafana-org-id <number> Grafana organization id. [default: 1]

-n, --tdengine-ds-name <string> TDengine datasource name, no space. [default: TDengine]
-a, --tdengine-api <url> TDengine REST API endpoint. [default:]
-u, --tdengine-user <string> TDengine user name. [default: root]
-p, --tdengine-password <string> TDengine password. [default: taosdata]

-i, --tdinsight-uid <string> Replace with a non-space ASCII code as the dashboard id. [default: tdinsight]
-t, --tdinsight-title <string> Dashboard title. [default: TDinsight]
-e, --tdinsight-editable If the provisioning dashboard could be editable. [default: false]

Most command line options can also be achieved through environment variables.

Short OptionLong OptionEnvironment VariableDescription
-v--plugin-versionTDENGINE_PLUGIN_VERSIONTDengine datasource plugin version, default is latest.
-P--grafana-provisioning-dirGF_PROVISIONING_DIRGrafana provisioning directory, default is /etc/grafana/provisioning/
-G--grafana-plugins-dirGF_PLUGINS_DIRGrafana plugins directory, default is /var/lib/grafana/plugins.
-O--grafana-org-idGF_ORG_IDGrafana organization ID, default is 1.
-n--tdengine-ds-nameTDENGINE_DS_NAMETDengine datasource name, default is TDengine.
-a--tdengine-apiTDENGINE_APITDengine REST API endpoint. Default is
-u--tdengine-userTDENGINE_USERTDengine user name. [default: root]
-p--tdengine-passwordTDENGINE_PASSWORDTDengine password. [default: taosdata]
-i--tdinsight-uidTDINSIGHT_DASHBOARD_UIDTDinsight dashboard uid. [default: tdinsight]
-t--tdinsight-titleTDINSIGHT_DASHBOARD_TITLETDinsight dashboard title. [default: TDinsight]
-e--tdinsight-editableTDINSIGHT_DASHBOARD_EDITABLEIf the provisioning dashboard could be editable. [default: false]

The new version of the plugin uses the Grafana unified alerting feature, the -E option is no longer supported.

Assuming you start the TDengine database on the host tdengine with HTTP API port 6041, user root1, and password pass5ord. Execute the script:

./ -a http://tdengine:6041 -u root1 -p pass5ord

If you want to monitor multiple TDengine clusters, you need to set up multiple TDinsight dashboards. Setting up a non-default TDinsight requires some changes: the -n -i -t options need to be changed to non-default names, and if using the built-in SMS alert feature, -N and -L should also be changed.

sudo ./ -n TDengine-Env1 -a http://another:6041 -u root -p taosdata -i tdinsight-env1 -t 'TDinsight Env1'

Please note that configuring the data source, notification channel, and dashboard in the frontend is not changeable. You should update the configuration again through this script or manually change the configuration files in the /etc/grafana/provisioning directory (this is the default directory for Grafana, change as needed using the -P option).

Especially, when using Grafana Cloud or other organizations, -O can be used to set the organization ID. -G can specify the Grafana plugin installation directory. -e parameter sets the dashboard to be editable.