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Python Client Library

taospy is the official Python connector for TDengine. taospy provides a rich API, making it convenient for Python applications to use TDengine.

The source code for the Python connector is hosted on GitHub.

Connection Methods

taospy mainly provides three types of connectors. We generally recommend using WebSocket Connection.

  • Native Connection, corresponding to the taos module of the taospy package. Connects to a TDengine instance natively through the TDengine client driver (taosc), supporting data writing, querying, data subscription, schemaless interface, and parameter binding interface.
  • REST Connection, corresponding to the taosrest module of the taospy package. Connects to a TDengine instance through the HTTP interface provided by taosAdapter, does not support schemaless and data subscription features.
  • WebSocket Connection, corresponding to the taos-ws-py package, which is optional. Connects to a TDengine instance through the WebSocket interface provided by taosAdapter, with a feature set slightly different from the native connection.

For a detailed introduction to connection methods, please refer to: Connection Methods

In addition to encapsulating the native and REST interfaces, taospy also provides a programming interface compliant with Python Data Access Standard (PEP 249). This makes taospy easily integrated with many third-party tools, such as SQLAlchemy and pandas.

The method of establishing a connection directly with the server using the native interface provided by the client driver is referred to as "Native Connection"; the method of establishing a connection with the server using the REST interface or WebSocket interface provided by taosAdapter is referred to as "REST Connection" or "WebSocket Connection".

Supported Platforms

  • Native Connection Supported Platforms are consistent with the platforms supported by the TDengine client.
  • REST Connection supports all platforms that can run Python.

Supported Features

  • Native Connection supports all core features of TDengine, including: connection management, executing SQL, parameter binding, subscription, schemaless writing.
  • REST Connection supports features including: connection management, executing SQL. (Through executing SQL, you can: manage databases, manage tables and supertables, write data, query data, create continuous queries, etc.)

Version History

Regardless of the version of TDengine used, it is recommended to use the latest version of taospy.

Python Connector VersionMain Changes
2.7.16Added subscription configuration (,
2.7.15Added support for VARBINARY and GEOMETRY types
2.7.14Fixed known issues
2.7.13Added tmq synchronous commit offset interface
2.7.121. Added support for varbinary type (STMT does not support varbinary yet)
2. Improved query performance (thanks to contributor hadrianl)
2.7.9Data subscription supports obtaining consumption progress and resetting consumption progress
2.7.8Added execute_many
Python WebSocket Connector VersionMajor Changes
0.3.5Added support for VARBINARY and GEOMETRY types, fixed known issues
0.3.2Optimized WebSocket SQL query and insertion performance, updated readme and documentation, fixed known issues
0.2.9Fixed known issues
0.2.51. Data subscription supports obtaining and resetting consumption progress
2. Supports schemaless
3. Supports STMT
0.2.4Data subscription adds unsubscribe method

Exception Handling

The Python connector may generate 4 types of exceptions:

  • Exceptions from the Python connector itself
  • Exceptions from native connection methods
  • WebSocket connection exceptions
  • Data subscription exceptions
  • For other TDengine module errors, please refer to Error Codes
Error TypeDescriptionSuggested Actions
InterfaceErrortaosc version too low, does not support the used interfacePlease check the TDengine client version
ConnectionErrorDatabase connection errorPlease check the TDengine server status and connection parameters
DatabaseErrorDatabase errorPlease check the TDengine server version and upgrade the Python connector to the latest version
OperationalErrorOperation errorAPI usage error, please check your code
ProgrammingErrorInterface call errorPlease check if the submitted data is correct
StatementErrorstmt related exceptionPlease check if the binding parameters match the SQL
ResultErrorOperation data errorPlease check if the operation data matches the data type in the database
SchemalessErrorschemaless related exceptionPlease check the data format and corresponding protocol type are correct
TmqErrortmq related exceptionPlease check if the Topic and consumer configuration are correct

In Python, exceptions are usually handled using try-expect. For more on exception handling, refer to Python Errors and Exceptions Documentation.
For other TDengine module errors, please refer to Error Codes

All database operations in the Python Connector, if an exception occurs, will be thrown directly. The application is responsible for handling exceptions. For example:

import taos

conn = taos.connect()
conn.execute("CREATE TABLE 123") # wrong sql
except taos.Error as e:
print("exception class: ", e.__class__.__name__)
print("error number:", e.errno)
print("error message:", e.msg)
except BaseException as other:
print("exception occur")

# output:
# [0x0216]: syntax error near 'Incomplete SQL statement'
# exception class: ProgrammingError
# error number: -2147483114
# error message: syntax error near 'Incomplete SQL statement'

view source code

Data Type Mapping

TDengine currently supports timestamp, numeric, character, boolean types, and the corresponding Python type conversions are as follows:

TDengine DataTypePython DataType

Example Programs Summary

Example Program LinkExample Program Content
bind_multi.pyParameter binding, bind multiple rows at once
bind_row.pyParameter binding, bind one row at a time
insert_lines.pyInfluxDB line protocol writing
json_tag.pyUsing JSON type tags
tmq_consumer.pytmq subscription
native_all_type_query.pyExample supporting all types
native_all_type_stmt.pyParameter binding example supporting all types

Example program source code can be found at:

  1. More native example programs
  2. More WebSocket example programs

About Nanosecond (nanosecond)

Due to the current imperfect support for nanoseconds in Python (see the links below), the current implementation returns an integer when nanosecond precision is used, rather than the datetime type returned for ms and us. Application developers need to handle this themselves, and it is recommended to use pandas' to_datetime(). If Python officially fully supports nanoseconds in the future, the Python connector may modify the relevant interfaces.

Common Questions

Feel free to ask questions or report issues.

API Reference

WebSocket Connection

URL Specification

| protocol | | username | password | host | port | database | params |
  • protocol: Establish a connection using the websocket protocol. For example, ws://localhost:6041
  • username/password: Username and password for the database.
  • host/port: Host address and port number. For example, localhost:6041
  • database: Database name.
  • params: Other parameters. For example, token.

Establishing Connection

  • fn connect(dsn: Option<&str>, args: Option<&PyDict>) -> PyResult<Connection>
    • Interface Description: Establish a taosAdapter connection.
    • Parameter Description:
      • dsn: Type Option<&str> optional, Data Source Name (DSN), used to specify the location and authentication information of the database to connect to.
      • args: Type Option<&PyDict> optional, provided in the form of a Python dictionary, can be used to set
        • user: Username for the database
        • password: Password for the database.
        • host: Host address
        • port: Port number
        • database: Database name
    • Return Value: Connection object.
    • Exception: Throws ConnectionError exception on operation failure.
  • fn cursor(&self) -> PyResult<Cursor>
    • Interface Description: Creates a new database cursor object for executing SQL commands and queries.
    • Return Value: Database cursor object.
    • Exception: Throws ConnectionError exception on operation failure.

Executing SQL

  • fn execute(&self, sql: &str) -> PyResult<i32>
    • Interface Description: Execute an SQL statement.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: SQL statement to be executed.
    • Return Value: Number of rows affected.
    • Exception: Throws QueryError exception on operation failure.
  • fn execute_with_req_id(&self, sql: &str, req_id: u64) -> PyResult<i32>
    • Interface Description: Execute an SQL statement with a req_id.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: SQL statement to be executed.
      • reqId: Used for issue tracking.
    • Return Value: Number of rows affected.
    • Exception: Throws QueryError exception on operation failure.
  • fn query(&self, sql: &str) -> PyResult<TaosResult>
    • Interface Description: Query data.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: SQL statement to be executed.
    • Return Value: TaosResult data set object.
    • Exception: Throws QueryError exception on operation failure.
  • fn query_with_req_id(&self, sql: &str, req_id: u64) -> PyResult<TaosResult>
    • Interface Description: Query an SQL statement with a req_id.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: SQL statement to be executed.
      • reqId: Used for issue tracking.
    • Return Value: TaosResult data set object.
    • Exception: Throws QueryError exception on operation failure.


TaosResult objects can be accessed by iterating over them to retrieve the queried data.

  • fn fields(&self) -> Vec<TaosField>
    • Interface Description: Get the field information of the queried data, including: name, type, and field length.
    • Return Value: Vec<TaosField> Array of field information.
  • fn field_count(&self) -> i32
    • Interface Description: Get the number of records queried.
    • Return Value: i32 Number of records queried.

Schemaless Insert

  • fn schemaless_insert(&self, lines: Vec<String>, protocol: PySchemalessProtocol, precision: PySchemalessPrecision, ttl: i32, req_id: u64) -> PyResult<()>
    • Interface Description: Schemaless insert.
    • Parameter Description:
      • lines: Array of data to be written, for specific data format refer to Schemaless Insert.
      • protocol: Protocol type
        • PySchemalessProtocol::Line: InfluxDB Line Protocol.
        • PySchemalessProtocol::Telnet: OpenTSDB Text Line Protocol.
        • PySchemalessProtocol::Json: JSON Protocol format.
      • precision: Time precision
        • PySchemalessPrecision::Hour: Hour
        • PySchemalessPrecision::Minute: Minute
        • PySchemalessPrecision::Second Second
        • PySchemalessPrecision::Millisecond: Millisecond
        • PySchemalessPrecision::Microsecond: Microsecond
        • PySchemalessPrecision::Nanosecond: Nanosecond
      • ttl: Table expiration time in days.
      • reqId: Used for issue tracking.
    • Exception: Throws DataError or OperationalError on failure.

Parameter Binding

  • fn statement(&self) -> PyResult<TaosStmt>
    • Interface Description: Create a stmt object using a connection object.
    • Return Value: stmt object.
    • Exception: Throws ConnectionError on failure.
  • fn prepare(&mut self, sql: &str) -> PyResult<()>
    • Interface Description: Bind a precompiled SQL statement.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: Precompiled SQL statement.
    • Exception: Throws ProgrammingError on failure.
  • fn set_tbname(&mut self, table_name: &str) -> PyResult<()>
    • Interface Description: Set the table name where data will be written.
    • Parameter Description:
      • tableName: Table name, to specify a database, use db_name.table_name.
    • Exception: Throws ProgrammingError on failure.
  • fn set_tags(&mut self, tags: Vec<PyTagView>) -> PyResult<()>
    • Interface Description: Set table Tags data, used for automatic table creation.
    • Parameter Description:
      • paramsArray: Tags data.
    • Exception: Throws ProgrammingError on failure.
  • fn bind_param(&mut self, params: Vec<PyColumnView>) -> PyResult<()>
    • Interface Description: Bind data.
    • Parameter Description:
      • paramsArray: Data to bind.
    • Exception: Throws ProgrammingError on failure.
  • fn add_batch(&mut self) -> PyResult<()>
    • Interface Description: Submit bound data.
    • Exception: Throws ProgrammingError on failure.
  • fn execute(&mut self) -> PyResult<usize>
    • Interface Description: Execute to write all bound data.
    • Return Value: Number of entries written.
    • Exception: Throws QueryError on failure.
  • fn affect_rows(&mut self) -> PyResult<usize>
    • Interface Description: Get the number of entries written.
    • Return Value: Number of entries written.
  • fn close(&self) -> PyResult<()>
    • Interface Description: Close the stmt object.

Data Subscription

  • Supported properties list for creating consumers:

    • host: Host address.
    • port: Port number.
    • The group it belongs to.
    • Client ID.
    • td.connect.user: Database username.
    • td.connect.pass: Database password.
    • td.connect.token: Database connection token.
    • auto.offset.reset: Determines the consumption position as either the latest data (latest) or including old data (earliest).
    • Whether to allow automatic commit.
    • Automatic commit interval.
  • fn Consumer(conf: Option<&PyDict>, dsn: Option<&str>) -> PyResult<Self>

    • Interface Description Consumer constructor.
      • conf: Type Option<&PyDict> optional, provided in the form of a Python dictionary, see the properties list for specific configurations.
      • dsn: Type Option<&str> optional, Data Source Name (DSN), used to specify the location and authentication information of the database to connect to.
    • Return Value: Consumer object.
    • Exception: Throws ConsumerException on operation failure.
  • fn subscribe(&mut self, topics: &PyList) -> PyResult<()>

    • Interface Description Subscribe to a set of topics.
    • Parameter Description:
      • topics: List of topics to subscribe to.
    • Exception: Throws ConsumerException on operation failure.
  • fn unsubscribe(&mut self)

    • Interface Description Unsubscribe.
    • Exception: Throws ConsumerException on operation failure.
  • fn poll(&mut self, timeout: Option<f64>) -> PyResult<Option<Message>>

    • Interface Description Poll for messages.
    • Parameter Description:
      • timeoutMs: Indicates the polling timeout in milliseconds.
    • Return Value: Message data corresponding to each topic.
    • Exception: Throws ConsumerException on operation failure.
  • fn commit(&mut self, message: &mut Message) -> PyResult<()>

    • Interface Description Commit the offset of the currently processed message.
    • Parameter Description:
      • message: Type Message, the offset of the currently processed message.
    • Exception: Throws ConsumerException on operation failure.
  • fn assignment(&mut self) -> PyResult<Option<Vec<TopicAssignment>>>

    • Interface Description: Get the specified partitions or all partitions currently assigned to the consumer.
    • Return Value: Return type Vec<TopicAssignment>, i.e., all partitions currently assigned to the consumer.
    • Exception: Throws ConsumerException on operation failure.
  • fn seek(&mut self, topic: &str, vg_id: i32, offset: i64) -> PyResult<()>

    • Interface Description: Set the offset of a given partition to a specified position.
    • Parameter Description:
      • topic: Subscribed topic.
      • vg_id: vgroupid.
      • offset: The offset to be set.
    • Exception: Throws ConsumerException on operation failure.
  • fn committed(&mut self, topic: &str, vg_id: i32) -> PyResult<i64>

    • Interface Description: Get the last committed offset of the vgroupid partition of the subscribed topic.
    • Parameter Description:
      • topic: Subscribed topic.
      • vg_id: vgroupid.
    • Return Value: i64, the last committed offset of the partition.
    • Exception: Throws ConsumerException on operation failure.
  • fn position(&mut self, topic: &str, vg_id: i32) -> PyResult<i64>

    • Interface Description: Get the current offset of a given partition.
    • Parameter Description:
      • topic: Subscribed topic.
      • vg_id: vgroupid.
    • Return Value: i64, the last committed offset of the partition.
    • Exception: Throws ConsumerException on operation failure.
  • fn close(&mut self)

    • Interface Description: Close the tmq connection.
    • Exception: Throws ConsumerException on operation failure.

Native Connection

Establishing Connection

  • def connect(*args, **kwargs):
    • Interface Description: Establish a connection to taosAdapter.
    • Parameter Description:
      • kwargs: Provided in the form of a Python dictionary, can be used to set
        • user: Username for the database
        • password: Password for the database.
        • host: Host address
        • port: Port number
        • database: Database name
        • timezone: Time zone
    • Return Value: TaosConnection connection object.
    • Exceptions: Throws AttributeError or ConnectionError if operation fails.
  • def cursor(self)
    • Interface Description: Creates a new database cursor object for executing SQL commands and queries.
    • Return Value: Database cursor object.

Executing SQL

  • def execute(self, operation, req_id: Optional[int] = None)
    • Interface Description: Execute an SQL statement.
    • Parameter Description:
      • operation: SQL statement to be executed.
      • reqId: Used for issue tracking.
    • Return Value: Number of rows affected.
    • Exceptions: Throws ProgrammingError if operation fails.
  • def query(self, sql: str, req_id: Optional[int] = None) -> TaosResult
    • Interface Description: Query data.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: SQL statement to be executed.
      • reqId: Used for issue tracking.
    • Return Value: TaosResult data set object.
    • Exceptions: Throws ProgrammingError if operation fails.

Data Set

TaosResult object can be iterated over to retrieve queried data.

  • def fields(&self)
    • Interface Description: Get field information of the queried data, including: name, type, and field length.
    • Return Value: TaosFields list of field information.
  • def field_count(&self)
    • Interface Description: Get the number of records queried.
    • Return Value: Number of records queried.
  • def fetch_all_into_dict(self)
    • Interface Description: Convert all records into dictionaries.
    • Return Value: List of dictionaries.

Schemaless Insertion

  • def schemaless_insert(&self, lines: List[str], protocol: SmlProtocol, precision: SmlPrecision, req_id: Optional[int] = None, ttl: Optional[int] = None) -> int:
    • Interface Description: Schemaless insertion.
    • Parameter Description:
      • lines: Array of data to be inserted, specific data format for schemaless can refer to Schemaless Insertion.
      • protocol: Protocol type
        • SmlProtocol.LINE_PROTOCOL: InfluxDB Line Protocol.
        • SmlProtocol.TELNET_PROTOCOL: OpenTSDB text line protocol.
        • SmlProtocol.JSON_PROTOCOL: JSON protocol format
      • precision: Time precision
        • SmlPrecision.Hour: Hour
        • SmlPrecision.Minute: Minute
        • SmlPrecision.Second Second
        • SmlPrecision.Millisecond: Millisecond
        • SmlPrecision.Microsecond: Microsecond
        • SmlPrecision.Nanosecond: Nanosecond
      • ttl: Table expiration time in days.
      • reqId: Used for issue tracking.
    • Return Value: Number of rows affected.
    • Exceptions: Throws SchemalessError if operation fails.

Parameter Binding

  • def statement(self, sql=None)
    • Interface Description: Creates a stmt object using the connection object, if sql is not empty it will call prepare.
    • sql: Precompiled SQL statement.
    • Return Value: stmt object.
    • Exception: Throws StatementError exception on failure.
  • def prepare(self, sql)
    • Interface Description: Binds a precompiled sql statement.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: Precompiled SQL statement.
    • Exception: Throws StatementError exception on failure.
  • def set_tbname(self, name)
    • Interface Description: Sets the table name for data to be written to.
    • Parameter Description:
      • name: Table name, if you need to specify a database, for example: db_name.table_name.
    • Exception: Throws StatementError exception on failure.
  • def set_tbname_tags(self, name, tags):
    • Interface Description: Sets the table and Tags data, used for automatic table creation.
    • Parameter Description:
      • name: Table name, if you need to specify a database, for example: db_name.table_name.
      • tags: Tags data.
    • Exception: Throws StatementError exception on failure.
  • def bind_param(self, params, add_batch=True)
    • Interface Description: Binds a set of data and submits.
    • Parameter Description:
      • params: Data to bind.
      • add_batch: Whether to submit the bound data.
    • Exception: Throws StatementError exception on failure.
  • def bind_param_batch(self, binds, add_batch=True)
    • Interface Description: Binds multiple sets of data and submits.
    • Parameter Description:
      • binds: Data to bind.
      • add_batch: Whether to submit the bound data.
    • Exception: Throws StatementError exception on failure.
  • def add_batch(self)
    • Interface Description: Submits the bound data.
    • Exception: Throws StatementError exception on failure.
  • def execute(self)
    • Interface Description: Executes and writes all the bound data.
    • Exception: Throws StatementError exception on failure.
  • def affected_rows(self)
    • Interface Description: Gets the number of rows written.
    • Return Value: Number of rows written.
  • def close(&self)
    • Interface Description: Closes the stmt object.

Data Subscription

  • Supported properties list for creating consumers:
    • td.connect.ip: Host address.
    • td.connect.port: Port number.
    • The group it belongs to.
    • Client ID.
    • td.connect.user: Database username.
    • td.connect.pass: Database password.
    • td.connect.token: Database connection token.
    • auto.offset.reset: Determines the consumption position as either the latest data (latest) or including old data (earliest).
    • Whether to allow automatic submission.
    • Automatic submission interval.
  • def Consumer(configs)
    • Interface Description Consumer constructor.
      • configs: Provided in the form of a Python dictionary, see the properties list for specific configurations.
    • Return Value: Consumer object.
    • Exception: Throws TmqError exception on failure.
  • def subscribe(self, topics)
    • Interface Description Subscribes to a set of topics.
    • Parameter Description:
      • topics: List of topics to subscribe to.
    • Exception: Throws TmqError exception on failure.
  • def unsubscribe(self)
    • Interface Description Unsubscribes.
    • Exception: Throws TmqError exception on failure.
  • def poll(self, timeout: float = 1.0)
    • Interface Description Polls for messages.
    • Parameter Description:
      • timeout: Polling timeout in milliseconds.
    • Return Value: Message data for each topic.
    • Exception: Throws TmqError exception on failure.
  • def commit(self, message: Message = None, offsets: [TopicPartition] = None)
    • Interface Description Submits the offset of the currently processed message.
    • Parameter Description:
      • message: Type Message, the offset of the currently processed message.
      • offsets: Type [TopicPartition], submits the offset of a batch of messages.
    • Exception: Throws TmqError exception on failure.
  • def assignment(self)
    • Interface Description: Gets the specified partition or all partitions currently assigned to the consumer.
    • Return Value: Return type [TopicPartition], all partitions currently assigned to the consumer.
    • Exception: Throws TmqError exception on failure.
  • def seek(self, partition)
    • Interface Description: Sets the offset of the given partition to a specified position.
    • Parameter Description:
      • partition: Offset to be set.
        • topic: Subscribed topic
        • partition: Partition
        • offset: Offset
    • Exception: Throws TmqError exception on failure.
  • def committed(self, partitions)
    • Interface Description: Gets the last committed offset of the subscribed topic's partition.
    • Parameter Description:
      • partition: Offset to be set.
        • topic: Subscribed topic
        • partition: Partition
    • Return Value: partition, the last committed offset of the partition.
    • Exception: Throws TmqError exception on failure.
  • def position(self, partitions)
    • Interface Description: Gets the current offset of the given partition.
    • Parameter Description:
      • partition: Offset to be set.
        • topic: Subscribed topic
        • partition: Partition
    • Return Value: partition, the last committed offset of the partition.
    • Exception: Throws TmqError exception on failure.
  • def close(self)
    • Interface Description: Closes the tmq connection.
    • Exception: Throws TmqError exception on failure.

REST Connection

  • def connect(**kwargs) -> TaosRestConnection
    • Interface Description: Establish a connection to taosAdapter.
    • Parameter Description:
      • kwargs: Provided as a Python dictionary, can be used to set
        • user: Username for the database
        • password: Password for the database.
        • host: Host address
        • port: Port number
        • database: Database name
    • Return Value: Connection object.
    • Exception: Throws ConnectError exception if operation fails.
  • def execute(self, sql: str, req_id: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional[int]
    • Interface Description: Execute an SQL statement.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: SQL statement to be executed.
      • reqId: Used for issue tracking.
    • Return Value: Number of rows affected.
    • Exception: Throws ConnectError or HTTPError exception if operation fails.
  • def query(self, sql: str, req_id: Optional[int] = None) -> Result
    • Interface Description: Query data.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: SQL statement to be executed.
      • reqId: Used for issue tracking.
    • Return Value: Result dataset object.
    • Exception: Throws ConnectError or HTTPError exception if operation fails.
  • RestClient(self, url: str, token: str = None, database: str = None, user: str = "root", password: str = "taosdata", timeout: int = None, convert_timestamp: bool = True, timezone: Union[str, datetime.tzinfo] = None)
    • Interface Description: Establish a taosAdapter connection client.
    • Parameter Description:
      • url: URL of the taosAdapter REST service.
      • user: Username for the database.
      • password: Password for the database.
      • database: Database name.
      • timezone: Time zone.
      • timeout: HTTP request timeout in seconds.
      • convert_timestamp: Whether to convert timestamps from STR type to datetime type.
      • timezone: Time zone.
    • Return Value: Connection object.
    • Exception: Throws ConnectError exception if operation fails.
  • def sql(self, q: str, req_id: Optional[int] = None) -> dict
    • Interface Description: Execute an SQL statement.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: SQL statement to be executed.
      • reqId: Used for issue tracking.
    • Return Value: Returns a list of dictionaries.
    • Exception: Throws ConnectError or HTTPError exception if operation fails.