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Java Client Library

taos-jdbcdriver is the official Java connector for TDengine, allowing Java developers to develop applications that access the TDengine database. taos-jdbcdriver implements the interfaces of the JDBC driver standard.


The JDBC driver implementation for TDengine strives to be consistent with relational database drivers. However, due to differences in use cases and technical features between TDengine and relational object databases, there are some differences between taos-jdbcdriver and traditional JDBC drivers. Please note the following when using it:

  • TDengine currently does not support deletion operations for individual data records.
  • Transaction operations are not currently supported.

JDBC and JRE Version Compatibility

  • JDBC: Supports JDBC 4.2 and above.
  • JRE: Supports JRE 8 and above.

Supported Platforms

  • Native connection supports the same platforms as the TDengine client driver.
  • WebSocket/REST connection supports all platforms that can run Java.

Version History

taos-jdbcdriver VersionMajor ChangesTDengine Version
3.5.3Support unsigned data types in WebSocket connections.-
3.5.2Fixed WebSocket result set free bug.-
3.5.1Fixed the getObject issue in data subscription.-
3.5.01. Optimized the performance of WebSocket connection parameter binding, supporting parameter binding queries using binary data.
2. Optimized the performance of small queries in WebSocket connection.
3. Added support for setting time zone and app info on WebSocket connection. and higher
3.4.01. Replaced fastjson library with jackson.
2. WebSocket uses a separate protocol identifier.
3. Optimized background thread usage to avoid user misuse leading to timeouts.
3.3.4Fixed getInt error when data type is float.-
3.3.3Fixed memory leak caused by closing WebSocket statement.-
3.3.21. Optimized parameter binding performance under WebSocket connection.
2. Improved support for mybatis.
3.3.01. Optimized data transmission performance under WebSocket connection.
2. Supports skipping SSL verification, off by default. and higher
3.2.11Fixed a bug in closing result set in Native connection.-
3.2.101. REST/WebSocket connections support data compression during transmission.
2. WebSocket automatic reconnection mechanism, off by default.
3. Connection class provides methods for schemaless writing.
4. Optimized data fetching performance for native connections.
5. Fixed some known issues.
6. Metadata retrieval functions can return a list of supported functions.
3.2.9Fixed bug in closing WebSocket prepareStatement.-
3.2.81. Optimized auto-commit.
2. Fixed manual commit bug in WebSocket.
3. Optimized WebSocket prepareStatement using a single connection.
4. Metadata supports views.
3.2.71. Supports VARBINARY and GEOMETRY types.
2. Added timezone setting support for native connections.
3. Added WebSocket automatic reconnection feature. and higher
3.2.5Data subscription adds committed() and assignment() methods. and higher
3.2.4Data subscription adds parameter under WebSocket connection, as well as unsubscribe() method.-
3.2.3Fixed ResultSet data parsing failure in some cases.-
3.2.2New feature: Data subscription supports seek function. and higher
3.2.11. WebSocket connection supports schemaless and prepareStatement writing.
2. Consumer poll returns result set as ConsumerRecord, which can be accessed through value() method. and higher
3.2.0Connection issues, not recommended for use.-
3.1.0WebSocket connection supports subscription function.-
3.0.1 - 3.0.4Fixed data parsing errors in result sets under some conditions. 3.0.1 compiled in JDK 11 environment, other versions recommended for JDK 8.-
3.0.0Supports TDengine and higher
2.0.42Fixed wasNull interface return value in WebSocket connection.-
2.0.41Fixed username and password encoding method in REST connection.-
2.0.39 - 2.0.40Added REST connection/request timeout settings.-
2.0.38JDBC REST connection adds batch fetching function.-
2.0.37Added support for json tag.-
2.0.36Added support for schemaless writing.-

Exceptions and Error Codes

After an error occurs, the error information and error code can be obtained through SQLException:

try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
// executeQuery
ResultSet tempResultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql)) {

// print result
} catch (Exception ex) {
// please refer to the JDBC specifications for detailed exceptions info
System.out.printf("Failed to execute statement, %sErrMessage: %s%n",
ex instanceof SQLException ? "ErrCode: " + ((SQLException) ex).getErrorCode() + ", " : "",
// Print stack trace for context in examples. Use logging in production.
throw ex;

view source code

The error codes that the JDBC connector may report include 4 types:

  • Errors from the JDBC driver itself (error codes between 0x2301 and 0x2350)
  • Errors from native connection methods (error codes between 0x2351 and 0x2360)
  • Errors from data subscription (error codes between 0x2371 and 0x2380)
  • Errors from other TDengine modules, please refer to Error Codes

Please refer to the specific error codes:

Error CodeDescriptionSuggested Actions
0x2301connection already closedThe connection is already closed, check the connection status, or recreate the connection to execute related commands.
0x2302this operation is NOT supported currently!The current interface is not supported, consider switching to another connection method.
0x2303invalid variablesInvalid parameters, please check the interface specifications and adjust the parameter types and sizes.
0x2304statement is closedThe statement is already closed, check if the statement was used after being closed, or if the connection is normal.
0x2305resultSet is closedThe resultSet has been released, check if the resultSet was used after being released.
0x2306Batch is empty!Add parameters to prepareStatement before executing executeBatch.
0x2307Can not issue data manipulation statements with executeQuery()Use executeUpdate() for update operations, not executeQuery().
0x2308Can not issue SELECT via executeUpdate()Use executeQuery() for query operations, not executeUpdate().
0x230dparameter index out of rangeParameter out of bounds, check the reasonable range of parameters.
0x230econnection already closedThe connection is already closed, check if the Connection was used after being closed, or if the connection is normal.
0x230funknown sql type in tdengineCheck the Data Type types supported by TDengine.
0x2310can't register JDBC-JNI driverCannot register JNI driver, check if the url is correctly filled.
0x2312url is not setCheck if the REST connection url is correctly filled.
0x2314numeric value out of rangeCheck if the correct interface was used for numeric types in the result set.
0x2315unknown taos type in tdengineWhen converting TDengine data types to JDBC data types, check if the correct TDengine data type was specified.
0x2317Incorrect request type used in REST connection.
0x2318Data transmission error occurred in REST connection, check the network situation and retry.
0x2319user is requiredUsername information is missing when creating a connection.
0x231apassword is requiredPassword information is missing when creating a connection.
0x231chttpEntity is null, sql:An exception occurred in REST connection execution.
0x231dcan't create connection with server withinIncrease the httpConnectTimeout parameter to extend the connection time, or check the connection with taosAdapter.
0x231efailed to complete the task within the specified timeIncrease the messageWaitTimeout parameter to extend the execution time, or check the connection with taosAdapter.
0x2350unknown errorUnknown exception, please provide feedback to the developers on github.
0x2352Unsupported encodingAn unsupported character encoding set was specified in the local connection.
0x2353internal error of database, please see taoslog for more detailsAn error occurred while executing prepareStatement in local connection, check taos log for troubleshooting.
0x2354JNI connection is NULLThe Connection was already closed when executing commands in local connection. Check the connection with TDengine.
0x2355JNI result set is NULLThe result set is abnormal in local connection, check the connection and retry.
0x2356invalid num of fieldsThe meta information of the result set obtained in local connection does not match.
0x2357empty sql stringFill in the correct SQL for execution.
0x2359JNI alloc memory failed, please see taoslog for more detailsMemory allocation error in local connection, check taos log for troubleshooting.
0x2371consumer properties must not be null!Parameters are null when creating a subscription, fill in the correct parameters.
0x2372configs contain empty key, failed to set consumer propertyThe parameter key contains empty values, fill in the correct parameters.
0x2373failed to set consumer property,The parameter value contains empty values, fill in the correct parameters.
0x2375topic reference has been destroyedDuring the data subscription process, the topic reference was released. Check the connection with TDengine.
0x2376failed to set consumer topic, topic name is emptyDuring the data subscription process, the subscription topic name is empty. Check if the specified topic name is correctly filled.
0x2377consumer reference has been destroyedThe data transmission channel for the subscription has been closed, check the connection with TDengine.
0x2378consumer create errorData subscription creation failed, check the error information and taos log for troubleshooting.
0x2379seek offset must not be a negative numberThe seek interface parameter must not be negative, use the correct parameters.
0x237avGroup not found in result setVGroup not assigned to the current consumer, due to the Rebalance mechanism causing the Consumer and VGroup to be unbound.

Data Type Mapping

TDengine currently supports timestamp, numeric, character, boolean types, and the corresponding Java type conversions are as follows:

TDengine DataTypeJDBCTypeRemark
TINYINT UNSIGNEDjava.lang.Shortonly supported in WebSocket connections
SMALLINT UNSIGNEDjava.lang.Integeronly supported in WebSocket connections
INT UNSIGNEDjava.lang.Longonly supported in WebSocket connections
BIGINT UNSIGNEDjava.math.BigIntegeronly supported in WebSocket connections
BINARYbyte array
JSONjava.lang.Stringonly supported in tags

Note: Due to historical reasons, the BINARY type in TDengine is not truly binary data and is no longer recommended. Please use VARBINARY type instead.
GEOMETRY type is binary data in little endian byte order, complying with the WKB standard. For more details, please refer to Data Types
For the WKB standard, please refer to Well-Known Binary (WKB)
For the Java connector, you can use the jts library to conveniently create GEOMETRY type objects, serialize them, and write to TDengine. Here is an example Geometry Example

Example Programs Summary

The source code for the example programs is located in TDengine/docs/examples/JDBC:

  • JDBCDemo: JDBC example source program.
  • connectionPools: Using taos-jdbcdriver in connection pools like HikariCP, Druid, dbcp, c3p0.
  • SpringJdbcTemplate: Using taos-jdbcdriver in Spring JdbcTemplate.
  • mybatisplus-demo: Using taos-jdbcdriver in Springboot + Mybatis.
  • springbootdemo: Using taos-jdbcdriver in Springboot.
  • consumer-demo: Consumer example consuming TDengine data, with controllable consumption speed through parameters.

Please refer to: JDBC example

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why is there no performance improvement when using Statement’s addBatch() and executeBatch() for "batch writing/updating"?

Reason: In TDengine's JDBC implementation, SQL statements submitted through the addBatch method are executed in the order they were added, which does not reduce the number of interactions with the server and does not lead to performance improvements.

Solutions: 1. Concatenate multiple values in one insert statement; 2. Use multi-threading for concurrent insertion; 3. Use parameter binding for writing

  1. java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no taos in java.library.path

Reason: The program cannot find the required local function library taos.

Solution: On Windows, you can copy C:\TDengine\driver\taos.dll to the C:\Windows\System32\ directory. On Linux, create the following symlink ln -s /usr/local/taos/driver/ /usr/lib/ On macOS, create a symlink ln -s /usr/local/lib/libtaos.dylib.

  1. java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: taos.dll Can't load AMD 64 bit on a IA 32-bit platform

Reason: TDengine currently only supports 64-bit JDK.

Solution: Reinstall 64-bit JDK.

  1. java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: setByteArray

Reason: taos-jdbcdriver version 3.* only supports TDengine version 3.0 and above.

Solution: Use taos-jdbcdriver version connect to TDengine version 2..

  1. java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.nio.ByteBuffer.position(I)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer; ... taos-jdbcdriver-3.0.1.jar

Reason: taos-jdbcdriver version 3.0.1 requires JDK 11+ environment.

Solution: Switch to taos-jdbcdriver version 3.0.2+.

For other issues, please refer to FAQ

API Reference

JDBC Driver

taos-jdbcdriver implements the JDBC standard Driver interface, providing 3 implementation classes.

  • Use for WebSocket connections.
  • Use com.taosdata.jdbc.TSDBDriver for native connections.
  • Use for REST connections.

URL Specification

The JDBC URL format for TDengine is: jdbc:[TAOS|TAOS-WS|TAOS-RS]://[host_name]:[port]/[database_name]?[user={user}|&password={password}|&charset={charset}|&cfgdir={config_dir}|&locale={locale}|&timezone={timezone}|&batchfetch={batchfetch}]

Native Connection
jdbc:TAOS://, using the TSDBDriver for native JDBC connection, establishes a connection to the hostname, port 6030 (TDengine's default port), and database name power. This URL specifies the username (user) as root and the password (password) as taosdata.

Note: For native JDBC connections, taos-jdbcdriver depends on the client driver ( on Linux; taos.dll on Windows; libtaos.dylib on macOS).

The supported configuration parameters for native connection URLs are as follows:

  • user: TDengine username, default 'root'.
  • password: User login password, default 'taosdata'.
  • cfgdir: Client configuration file directory path, default /etc/taos on Linux OS, C:/TDengine/cfg on Windows OS.
  • charset: Character set used by the client, default is the system character set.
  • locale: Client language environment, default is the system current locale.
  • timezone: Client timezone, default is the system current timezone.
  • batchfetch: true: Fetch result sets in batches during query execution; false: Fetch result sets row by row. Default is true. Enabling batch fetching can effectively improve query performance when querying large data volumes.
  • batchErrorIgnore: true: Continue executing subsequent SQL statements if one fails during the execution of Statement's executeBatch. False: Do not execute any statements after a failed SQL. Default is false.

Using TDengine Client Driver Configuration File to Establish Connection

When connecting to a TDengine cluster using a native JDBC connection, you can use the TDengine client driver configuration file, specifying parameters such as firstEp and secondEp in the configuration file. In this case, do not specify hostname and port in the JDBC URL. Configuration such as jdbc:TAOS://:/power?user=root&password=taosdata. In the TDengine client driver configuration file, specify firstEp and secondEp, and JDBC will use the client's configuration file to establish a connection. If the firstEp node in the cluster fails, JDBC will attempt to connect to the cluster using secondEp. In TDengine, as long as one of the nodes in firstEp and secondEp is valid, a connection to the cluster can be established normally.

Note: The configuration file here refers to the configuration file on the machine where the application calling the JDBC Connector is located, with the default value on Linux OS being /etc/taos/taos.cfg, and on Windows OS being C://TDengine/cfg/taos.cfg.

WebSocket Connection Using JDBC WebSocket connection does not depend on the client driver. Compared to native JDBC connections, you only need to:

  1. Specify driverClass as "";
  2. Start jdbcUrl with "jdbc:TAOS-WS://";
  3. Use 6041 as the connection port.

For WebSocket connections, the configuration parameters in the URL are as follows:

  • user: Login username for TDengine, default value 'root'.
  • password: User login password, default value 'taosdata'.
  • batchErrorIgnore: true: Continues executing the following SQL if one SQL fails during the execution of Statement's executeBatch. false: Does not execute any statements after a failed SQL. Default value: false.
  • httpConnectTimeout: Connection timeout in ms, default value 60000.
  • messageWaitTimeout: Message timeout in ms, default value 60000.
  • useSSL: Whether SSL is used in the connection.
  • timezone: Client timezone, default is the system current timezone. Recommended not to set, using the system time zone provides better performance.

Note: Some configuration items (such as: locale, charset) do not take effect in WebSocket connections.

REST Connection Using JDBC REST connection does not depend on the client driver. Compared to native JDBC connections, you only need to:

  1. Specify driverClass as "";
  2. Start jdbcUrl with "jdbc:TAOS-RS://";
  3. Use 6041 as the connection port.

For REST connections, the configuration parameters in the URL are as follows:

  • user: Login username for TDengine, default value 'root'.
  • password: User login password, default value 'taosdata'.
  • batchErrorIgnore: true: Continues executing the following SQL if one SQL fails during the execution of Statement's executeBatch. false: Does not execute any statements after a failed SQL. Default value: false.
  • httpConnectTimeout: Connection timeout in ms, default value 60000.
  • httpSocketTimeout: Socket timeout in ms, default value 60000.
  • useSSL: Whether SSL is used in the connection.
  • httpPoolSize: REST concurrent request size, default 20.

Note: Some configuration items (such as: locale, charset and timezone) do not take effect in REST connections.

  • Unlike native connection methods, the REST interface is stateless. When using JDBC REST connections, you need to specify the database name of the table or supertable in SQL.
  • If dbname is specified in the URL, then JDBC REST connection will default to using /rest/sql/dbname as the restful request URL, and there is no need to specify dbname in SQL. For example: if the URL is jdbc:TAOS-RS://, then you can execute sql: INSERT INTO d1001 USING meters TAGS(2,'California.SanFrancisco') VALUES (NOW, 10.30000, 219, 0.31000);


In addition to obtaining a connection through a specified URL, you can also use Properties to specify parameters when establishing a connection.

Note: The client parameter set in the application is at the process level, meaning if you need to update the client's parameters, you must restart the application. This is because the client parameter is a global parameter and only takes effect the first time it is set in the application.

The configuration parameters in properties are as follows:

  • TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_USER: Login username for TDengine, default value 'root'.

  • TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_PASSWORD: User login password, default value 'taosdata'.

  • TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_BATCH_LOAD: true: Fetch result sets in batches during query execution; false: Fetch result sets row by row. The default value is false. For historical reasons, when using a REST connection, setting this parameter to true will switch to a WebSocket connection.

  • TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_BATCH_ERROR_IGNORE: true: Continue executing subsequent SQLs when one SQL fails during the execution of Statement's executeBatch; false: Do not execute any statements after a failed SQL. The default value is false.

  • TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_CONFIG_DIR: Effective only when using native JDBC connections. Client configuration file directory path, default value on Linux OS is /etc/taos, on Windows OS is C:/TDengine/cfg.

  • TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_CHARSET: Character set used by the client, default value is the system character set.

  • TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_LOCALE: Effective only when using native JDBC connections. Client locale, default value is the current system locale.


    • Native connections: Client time zone, default value is the current system time zone. Effective globally. Due to historical reasons, we only support part of the POSIX standard, such as UTC-8 (representing Shanghai, China), GMT-8, Asia/Shanghai.
    • WebSocket connections. Client time zone, default value is the current system time zone. Effective on the connection. Only IANA time zones are supported, such as Asia/Shanghai. It is recommended not to set this parameter, as using the system time zone provides better performance.
  • TSDBDriver.HTTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT: Connection timeout, in ms, default value is 60000. Effective only in REST connections.

  • TSDBDriver.HTTP_SOCKET_TIMEOUT: Socket timeout, in ms, default value is 60000. Effective only in REST connections and when batchfetch is set to false.

  • TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_MESSAGE_WAIT_TIMEOUT: Message timeout, in ms, default value is 60000. Effective only under WebSocket connections.

  • TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_USE_SSL: Whether to use SSL in the connection. Effective only in WebSocket/REST connections.

  • TSDBDriver.HTTP_POOL_SIZE: REST concurrent request size, default 20.

  • TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_ENABLE_COMPRESSION: Whether to enable compression during transmission. Effective only when using REST/WebSocket connections. true: enabled, false: not enabled. Default is false.

  • TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_ENABLE_AUTO_RECONNECT: Whether to enable auto-reconnect. Effective only when using WebSocket connections. true: enabled, false: not enabled. Default is false.

    Note: Enabling auto-reconnect is only effective for simple SQL execution, schema-less writing, and data subscription. It is ineffective for parameter binding. Auto-reconnect is only effective for connections established through parameters specifying the database, and ineffective for later use db statements to switch databases.

  • TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_RECONNECT_INTERVAL_MS: Auto-reconnect retry interval, in milliseconds, default value 2000. Effective only when PROPERTY_KEY_ENABLE_AUTO_RECONNECT is true.

  • TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_RECONNECT_RETRY_COUNT: Auto-reconnect retry count, default value 3, effective only when PROPERTY_KEY_ENABLE_AUTO_RECONNECT is true.

  • TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_DISABLE_SSL_CERT_VALIDATION: Disable SSL certificate validation. Effective only when using WebSocket connections. true: enabled, false: not enabled. Default is false.

  • TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_APP_NAME: App name, can be used for display in the show connections query result. Effective only when using WebSocket connections. Default value is java.

  • TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_APP_IP: App IP, can be used for display in the show connections query result. Effective only when using WebSocket connections. Default value is empty.

Additionally, for native JDBC connections, other parameters such as log level and SQL length can be specified by specifying the URL and Properties.

Priority of Configuration Parameters

When obtaining connections through the three methods mentioned earlier, if configuration parameters are duplicated in the URL, Properties, and client configuration file, the priority from high to low is as follows:

  1. JDBC URL parameters, as mentioned, can be specified in the parameters of the JDBC URL.
  2. Properties connProps
  3. When using a native connection, the configuration file taos.cfg of the TDengine client driver

For example: if the password is specified as taosdata in the URL and as taosdemo in the Properties, then JDBC will use the password from the URL to establish the connection.

Interface Description

  • Connection connect(String url, java.util.Properties info) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Connects to the TDengine database.
    • Parameter Description:
      • url: Connection address URL, see above for URL specifications.
      • info: Connection properties, see above for Properties section.
    • Return Value: Connection object.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the connection fails.
  • boolean acceptsURL(String url) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Determines whether the driver supports the URL.
    • Parameter Description:
      • url: Connection address URL.
    • Return Value: true: supported, false: not supported.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the URL is illegal.
  • DriverPropertyInfo[] getPropertyInfo(String url, java.util.Properties info) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves detailed information about all properties that might be needed when attempting to connect to the database. This property information is returned in an array of DriverPropertyInfo objects. Each DriverPropertyInfo object contains detailed information about a database connection property, such as property name, property value, description, etc.
    • Parameter Description:
      • url: A String parameter representing the database URL.
      • info: A java.util.Properties parameter containing a list of properties that might be provided by the user when attempting to connect.
    • Return Value: The return type is DriverPropertyInfo[], an array of DriverPropertyInfo objects. Each DriverPropertyInfo object contains detailed information about a specific database connection property.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if a database access error or other error occurs during the retrieval of property information.
  • int getMajorVersion()

    • Interface Description: Gets the major version number of the JDBC driver.
  • int getMinorVersion()

    • Interface Description: Gets the minor version number of the JDBC driver.

Database Metadata

DatabaseMetaData is part of the JDBC API, providing detailed information about the database's metadata, where metadata means data about data. Through the DatabaseMetaData interface, you can query detailed information about the database server, such as the database product name, version, installed features, list of tables, views, stored procedures, etc. This is very useful for understanding and adapting to the characteristics of different databases.

  • String getURL() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Gets the URL used for connecting to the database.
    • Return Value: URL for connecting to the database.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the retrieval fails.
  • String getUserName() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Gets the username used for connecting to the database.
    • Return Value: Username for connecting to the database.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the retrieval fails.
  • String getDriverName() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Gets the name of the JDBC driver.
    • Return Value: Driver name string.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the retrieval fails.
  • String getDriverVersion() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Get the JDBC driver version.
    • Return Value: Driver version string.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the retrieval fails.
  • int getDriverMajorVersion()

    • Interface Description: Get the major version number of the JDBC driver.
  • int getDriverMinorVersion()

    • Interface Description: Get the minor version number of the JDBC driver.
  • String getDatabaseProductName() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Get the name of the database product.
  • String getDatabaseProductVersion() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Get the version number of the database product.
  • String getIdentifierQuoteString() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Get the string used to quote SQL identifiers.
  • String getSQLKeywords() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Get a list of SQL keywords specific to the database.
  • String getNumericFunctions() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Get a list of numeric function names supported by the database.
  • String getStringFunctions() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Get a list of string function names supported by the database.
  • String getSystemFunctions() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Get a list of system function names supported by the database.
  • String getTimeDateFunctions() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Get a list of time and date function names supported by the database.
  • String getCatalogTerm() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Get the term for catalogs in the database.
  • String getCatalogSeparator() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Get the separator used between catalog and table names.
  • int getDefaultTransactionIsolation() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Get the default transaction isolation level of the database.
  • boolean supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(int level) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Determine if the database supports the given transaction isolation level.
    • Parameter Description:
      • level: Transaction isolation level.
    • Return Value: true: supported, false: not supported.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.
  • ResultSet getTables(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String[] types) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Get information about tables in the database that match the specified pattern.
    • Parameter Description:
      • catalog: Catalog name; null means no catalog specified.
      • schemaPattern: Pattern for the schema name; null means no schema specified.
      • tableNamePattern: Pattern for the table name.
      • types: List of table types, returns tables of specified types.
    • Return Value: ResultSet containing table information.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.
  • ResultSet getCatalogs() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Get information about all catalogs in the database.
    • Return Value: ResultSet containing catalog information.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.
  • ResultSet getTableTypes() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Get the types of tables supported by the database.
    • Return Value: ResultSet containing table types.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.
  • ResultSet getColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String columnNamePattern) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves column information matching specified patterns within a specified table.
    • Parameter Description:
      • catalog: Catalog name; null means no catalog specified.
      • schemaPattern: Pattern for the schema name; null means no schema specified.
      • tableNamePattern: Pattern for the table name.
      • columnNamePattern: Pattern for the column name.
    • Return Value: ResultSet containing column information.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if operation fails.
  • ResultSet getPrimaryKeys(String catalog, String schema, String table) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves primary key information for a specified table.
    • Parameter Description:
      • catalog: Catalog name; null means no catalog specified.
      • schema: Schema name; null means no schema specified.
      • table: Table name.
    • Return Value: ResultSet containing primary key information.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if operation fails.
  • Connection getConnection() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Obtains a database connection.
    • Return Value: Database connection Connection object.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if connection retrieval fails.
  • ResultSet getSuperTables(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves parent table information for a specified table.
    • Parameter Description:
      • catalog: Catalog name; null means no catalog specified.
      • schemaPattern: Pattern for the schema name; null means no schema specified.
      • tableNamePattern: Pattern for the table name.
    • Return Value: ResultSet containing parent table information.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if operation fails.
  • boolean supportsResultSetHoldability(int holdability) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Determines if the database supports the specified ResultSet holdability.
    • Parameter Description:
      • holdability: Holdability of the ResultSet.
    • Return Value: true if supported, false if not.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if operation fails.
  • int getSQLStateType() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the SQLSTATE type used by the database.
    • Return Value: SQLSTATE type code.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if operation fails.

List of interface methods that return true for supported features, others not explicitly mentioned return false.

Interface MethodDescription
boolean nullsAreSortedAtStart()Determines if NULL values are sorted at the start
boolean storesLowerCaseIdentifiers()Determines if the database stores identifiers in lowercase
boolean supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn()Determines if the database supports adding columns with ALTER TABLE
boolean supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn()Determines if the database supports dropping columns with ALTER TABLE
boolean supportsColumnAliasing()Determines if the database supports column aliasing
boolean supportsGroupBy()Determines if the database supports GROUP BY statements
boolean isCatalogAtStart()Determines if the catalog name appears at the start of the fully qualified name in the database
boolean supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation()Determines if the database supports catalog names in data manipulation statements

Connection Features

The JDBC driver supports creating connections, returning objects that support the JDBC standard Connection interface, and also provides the AbstractConnection interface, which expands some schema-less write interfaces.

Standard Interfaces

  • Statement createStatement() throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Creates a Statement object to execute SQL statements. For a detailed description of the Statement interface, see the section below on executing SQL.
    • Return Value: The created Statement object.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.
  • PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Creates a PreparedStatement object to execute the given SQL statement. For a detailed description of the PreparedStatement interface, see the section below on executing SQL.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: The precompiled SQL statement.
    • Return Value: The created PreparedStatement object.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.
  • String nativeSQL(String sql) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Converts an SQL statement into database-specific SQL syntax.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: The SQL statement to convert.
    • Return Value: The converted SQL statement.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.
  • void close() throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Closes the database connection.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.
  • boolean isClosed() throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Checks whether the database connection is closed.
    • Return Value: true: closed, false: not closed.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.
  • DatabaseMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Retrieves the metadata of the database.
    • Return Value: The database metadata.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.
  • void setCatalog(String catalog) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Sets the default database for the current connection.
    • Parameter Description:
      • catalog: The name of the database to set.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.
  • String getCatalog() throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Retrieves the default database for the current connection.
    • Return Value: The name of the current connection's catalog.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.
  • Statement createStatement(int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Creates a Statement object, specifying the ResultSet type and concurrency mode.
    • Parameter Description:
      • resultSetType: The ResultSet type.
      • resultSetConcurrency: The concurrency mode.
    • Return Value: The created Statement object.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.
  • Statement createStatement(int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, int resultSetHoldability) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Creates a Statement object, specifying the ResultSet type, concurrency mode, and holdability.
    • Parameter Description:
      • resultSetType: The ResultSet type.
      • resultSetConcurrency: The concurrency mode.
      • resultSetHoldability: The holdability.
    • Return Value: The created Statement object.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.
  • PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Creates a PreparedStatement object, specifying the SQL, ResultSet type, and concurrency mode.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: The precompiled SQL statement.
      • resultSetType: The ResultSet type.
      • resultSetConcurrency: The concurrency mode.
    • Return Value: The created PreparedStatement object.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.
  • PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, int resultSetHoldability) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Creates a PreparedStatement object, specifying the SQL, ResultSet type, concurrency mode, and holdability.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: The precompiled SQL statement.
      • resultSetType: The ResultSet type.
      • resultSetConcurrency: The concurrency mode.
      • resultSetHoldability: The holdability.
    • Return Value: The created PreparedStatement object.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.
  • PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Creates a PreparedStatement object, specifying the SQL statement and the flag for auto-generated keys.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: The precompiled SQL statement.
      • autoGeneratedKeys: The flag indicating whether auto-generated keys should be produced.
    • Return Value: The created PreparedStatement object.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.
  • void setHoldability(int holdability) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Sets the default holdability for ResultSet objects.
    • Parameter Description:
      • holdability: The holdability of the ResultSet.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.
  • int getHoldability() throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Retrieves the default holdability for ResultSet objects.
    • Return Value: The holdability of the ResultSet.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.
  • boolean isValid(int timeout) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Checks if the database connection is valid.
    • Parameter Description:
      • timeout: The timeout in seconds for the validity check.
    • Return Value: true: connection is valid, false: connection is invalid.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.
  • void setClientInfo(String name, String value) throws SQLClientInfoException
    • Interface Description: Sets a client information property.
    • Parameter Description:
      • name: The property name.
      • value: The property value.
    • Exception: Throws SQLClientInfoException if setting fails.
  • void setClientInfo(Properties properties) throws SQLClientInfoException
    • Interface Description: Sets a set of client information properties.
    • Parameter Description:
      • properties: The properties collection.
    • Exception: Throws SQLClientInfoException if setting fails.
  • String getClientInfo(String name) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of a specified client information property.
    • Parameter Description:
      • name: The property name.
    • Return Value: The property value.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.
  • Properties getClientInfo() throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Retrieves all client information properties.
    • Return Value: A Properties object containing all client information properties.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the operation fails.

Schemaless Write

Note: The abstract type interfaces below will be implemented by specific implementation classes, so the connection object obtained after establishing a connection can be directly called.

  • abstract void write(String[] lines, SchemalessProtocolType protocolType, SchemalessTimestampType timestampType, Integer ttl, Long reqId) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Writes multiple lines of data with the specified protocol type, timestamp type, TTL (Time To Live), and request ID.
    • Parameter Description:
      • lines: Array of data lines to be written.
      • protocolType: Protocol type: supports InfluxDB LINE, OpenTSDB TELNET, OpenTSDB JSON.
      • timestampType: Timestamp type, supports HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS, MILLI_SECONDS, MICRO_SECONDS, and NANO_SECONDS.
      • ttl: Data's time to live, in days.
      • reqId: Request ID.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException on operation failure.
  • void write(String[] lines, SchemalessProtocolType protocolType, SchemalessTimestampType timestampType) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Writes multiple lines of data with the specified protocol type and timestamp type.
    • Parameter Description:
      • lines: Array of data lines to be written.
      • protocolType: Protocol type: supports InfluxDB LINE, OpenTSDB TELNET, OpenTSDB JSON.
      • timestampType: Timestamp type, supports HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS, MILLI_SECONDS, MICRO_SECONDS, and NANO_SECONDS.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException on operation failure.
  • void write(String line, SchemalessProtocolType protocolType, SchemalessTimestampType timestampType) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Writes a single line of data with the specified protocol type and timestamp type.
    • Parameter Description:
      • line: Data line to be written.
      • protocolType: Protocol type: supports InfluxDB LINE, OpenTSDB TELNET, OpenTSDB JSON.
      • timestampType: Timestamp type, supports HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS, MILLI_SECONDS, MICRO_SECONDS, and NANO_SECONDS.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException on operation failure.
  • void write(List<String> lines, SchemalessProtocolType protocolType, SchemalessTimestampType timestampType) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Writes multiple lines of data (using a list) with the specified protocol type and timestamp type.
    • Parameter Description:
      • lines: List of data lines to be written.
      • protocolType: Protocol type: supports InfluxDB LINE, OpenTSDB TELNET, OpenTSDB JSON.
      • timestampType: Timestamp type, supports HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS, MILLI_SECONDS, MICRO_SECONDS, and NANO_SECONDS.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException on operation failure.
  • int writeRaw(String line, SchemalessProtocolType protocolType, SchemalessTimestampType timestampType) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Writes multiple lines of raw data separated by carriage returns with the specified protocol type and timestamp type, and returns the operation result.
    • Parameter Description:
      • line: Raw data to be written.
      • protocolType: Protocol type: supports InfluxDB LINE, OpenTSDB TELNET, OpenTSDB JSON.
      • timestampType: Timestamp type, supports HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS, MILLI_SECONDS, MICRO_SECONDS, and NANO_SECONDS.
    • Return Value: Operation result.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException on operation failure.
  • abstract int writeRaw(String line, SchemalessProtocolType protocolType, SchemalessTimestampType timestampType, Integer ttl, Long reqId) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Writes multiple lines of raw data separated by carriage returns with the specified protocol type, timestamp type, TTL (Time To Live), and request ID, and returns the operation result.
    • Parameter Description:
      • line: Raw data to be written.
      • protocolType: Protocol type: supports InfluxDB LINE, OpenTSDB TELNET, OpenTSDB JSON.
      • timestampType: Timestamp type, supports HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS, MILLI_SECONDS, MICRO_SECONDS, and NANO_SECONDS.
      • ttl: Data's time to live, in days.
      • reqId: Request ID.
    • Return Value: Operation result.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException on operation failure.

Execute SQL

The JDBC driver provides a JDBC-compliant Statement interface that supports the following features:

  1. Execute SQL Statements: The Statement interface is primarily used to execute static SQL statements and return the results they generate.
  2. Query Execution: Can execute queries that return a dataset (SELECT statements).
  3. Update Execution: Can execute SQL statements that affect the number of rows, such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.
  4. Batch Execution: Supports batch execution of multiple SQL statements to improve application efficiency.
  5. Get Results: Can obtain the result set (ResultSet object) returned after query execution and traverse the returned data.
  6. Get Update Count: For non-query SQL statements, the number of rows affected after execution can be obtained.
  7. Close Resources: Provides a method to close the Statement object to release database resources.

Additionally, the JDBC driver also provides an extended interface for request link tracking.

Standard Interfaces

  • ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Executes the given SQL statement, which returns a single ResultSet object.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: The SQL query statement to execute.
    • Return Value: Query result set ResultSet.
    • Exception: If a database access error or other errors occur during the query, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • int executeUpdate(String sql) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Executes the given SQL statement, which may be an INSERT or DELETE statement, or a SQL statement that does not return any content.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: The SQL update statement to execute.
    • Return Value: Number of rows affected.
    • Exception: If a database access error or other errors occur during the update, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • void close() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Immediately releases the database and JDBC resources of this Statement object.
    • Exception: If a database access error or other errors occur during closure, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • int getMaxFieldSize() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Gets the maximum number of bytes for character and binary column values that can be read in a ResultSet object.
    • Return Value: Maximum column size.
    • Exception: If a database access error or other errors occur during the retrieval, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • int getQueryTimeout() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Gets the current query timeout of this Statement object.
    • Return Value: Query timeout in seconds.
    • Exception: If a database access error or other errors occur during the retrieval, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • void setQueryTimeout(int seconds) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Sets the current query timeout of this Statement object.
    • Parameter Description:
      • seconds: Query timeout in seconds.
    • Exception: If a database access error or other errors occur during the setting, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • boolean execute(String sql) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Executes the given SQL statement, which may return multiple results.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: The SQL statement to execute.
    • Return Value: true indicates that the result is a ResultSet object; false indicates that the result is an update count or there is no result.
    • Exception: If a database access error or other errors occur during execution, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • ResultSet getResultSet() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Gets the ResultSet object generated by the current Statement object.
    • Return Value: The result set generated by the current Statement object.
    • Exception: If a database access error or other errors occur during retrieval, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • int getUpdateCount() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Gets the update count for the current Statement object.
    • Return Value: The number of rows affected; returns -1 if the current result is a ResultSet object or there are no results.
    • Exception: Throws a SQLException if a database access error or other error occurs during retrieval.
  • boolean getMoreResults() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Moves to the next result of the current Statement object to check if it is a ResultSet object.
    • Return Value: true if the next result is a ResultSet object; false if the next result is an update count or there are no more results.
    • Exception: Throws a SQLException if a database access error or other error occurs during the move.
  • int getFetchDirection() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Gets the direction in which the Statement object fetches rows from the database.
    • Return Value: The direction of fetching rows; TDengine only supports the FETCH_FORWARD direction.
    • Exception: Throws a SQLException if a database access error or other error occurs during retrieval.
  • void setFetchSize(int rows) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Advises the JDBC driver how many rows to fetch from the database at a time.
    • Parameter Description:
      • rows: The number of rows to fetch at a time.
    • Exception: Throws a SQLException if a database access error or other error occurs during setting.
  • int getFetchSize() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Gets the default fetch size for the Statement object.
    • Return Value: The default fetch size.
    • Exception: Throws a SQLException if a database access error or other error occurs during retrieval.
  • int getResultSetConcurrency() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Gets the concurrency mode of the ResultSet object.
    • Return Value: The concurrency mode of the ResultSet object.
    • Exception: Throws a SQLException if a database access error or other error occurs during retrieval.
  • int getResultSetType() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Gets the type of the ResultSet object.
    • Return Value: The type of the ResultSet object.
    • Exception: Throws a SQLException if a database access error or other error occurs during retrieval.
  • void addBatch(String sql) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Adds the given SQL statement to the current Statement object's batch.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: The SQL statement to be added to the batch.
    • Exception: Throws a SQLException if a database access error or other error occurs during addition.
  • void clearBatch() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Clears the batch of the current Statement object.
    • Exception: Throws a SQLException if a database access error or other error occurs during clearing.
  • int[] executeBatch() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Executes all SQL statements in the batch.
    • Return Value: The number of rows affected by each SQL statement in the batch.
    • Exception: Throws a SQLException if a database access error or other error occurs during execution.
  • Connection getConnection() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Gets the Connection object that produced this Statement object.
    • Return Value: The database connection that produced this Statement object.
    • Exception: Throws a SQLException if a database access error or other error occurs during retrieval.
  • int getResultSetHoldability() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Gets the holdability of the ResultSet object.
    • Return Value: The holdability of the ResultSet object.
    • Exception: If a database access error or other error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • boolean isClosed() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Checks whether this Statement object is closed.
    • Return Value: true if this Statement object is closed; false if it is not.
    • Exception: If a database access error or other error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.

Extended Interfaces

Extended interfaces are mainly used for request link tracing.

  • ResultSet executeQuery(String sql, Long reqId) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Executes the given SQL query statement.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: The SQL query statement to execute.
      • reqId: Request id.
    • Return Value: A ResultSet object containing the query results.
    • Exception: If the query execution fails, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • int executeUpdate(String sql, Long reqId) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Executes the given SQL update statement.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: The SQL update statement to execute.
      • reqId: Request id.
    • Return Value: The number of rows affected.
    • Exception: If the update execution fails, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • boolean execute(String sql, Long reqId) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Executes the given SQL statement, which may be an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or DDL statement.
    • Parameter Description:
      • sql: The SQL statement to execute.
      • reqId: Request id.
    • Return Value: true if the first result is a ResultSet object; false if it is an update count or there are no results.
    • Exception: If the statement execution fails, a SQLException will be thrown.

Result Retrieval

The JDBC driver supports the standard ResultSet interface and the corresponding ResultSetMetaData interface, providing methods for reading metadata and data from the result set.

Result Set

The JDBC driver supports the standard ResultSet interface, providing methods for reading metadata and data from the result set.

  • ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Gets the number, types, and properties of this ResultSet object's columns.
    • Return Value: A ResultSetMetaData object for this ResultSet object's data.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • boolean next() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Moves the cursor forward one row from its current position. Used for traversing the query result set.
    • Return Value: true if the new current row is valid; false if there are no more rows in the result set.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • void close() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Immediately releases this ResultSet object's database and JDBC resources instead of waiting for this object to automatically close when it is closed.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • boolean wasNull() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Reports whether the last column read had a NULL value.
    • Return Value: true if the last column value read was NULL; otherwise, false.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • String getString(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column as a Java String.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnIndex: The column number, with the first column being 1, the second being 2, and so on.
    • Return Value: The value of the specified column; if the value is NULL, returns null.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • boolean getBoolean(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column as a Java boolean.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnIndex: The column number.
    • Return Value: true if the specified column's value is true; false if the value is false or NULL.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • byte getByte(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column as a Java byte.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnIndex: The column number.
    • Return Value: The value of the specified column; if the value is NULL, returns 0.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • short getShort(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column as a Java short.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnIndex: The column number.
    • Return Value: The value of the specified column; if the value is NULL, returns 0.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • int getInt(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column as a Java int.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnIndex: The column number.
    • Return Value: The value of the specified column; if the value is NULL, returns 0.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • long getLong(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column as a Java long.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnIndex: The column number.
    • Return Value: The value of the specified column; if the value is NULL, returns 0L.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • float getFloat(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column as a Java float.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnIndex: The column number.
    • Return Value: The value of the specified column; if the value is NULL, returns 0.0f.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • double getDouble(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column as a Java double.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnIndex: The column number.
    • Return Value: The value of the specified column; if the value is NULL, returns 0.0d.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • byte[] getBytes(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column as a byte array.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnIndex: The column number.
    • Return Value: The value of the specified column as a byte array; if the value is NULL, returns null.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • Date getDate(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column as a java.sql.Date object.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnIndex: The column number.
    • Return Value: The date value of the specified column; if the value is NULL, returns null.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • Time getTime(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column as a java.sql.Time object.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnIndex: The column number.
    • Return Value: The time value of the specified column; if the value is NULL, returns null.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • Timestamp getTimestamp(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column as a java.sql.Timestamp.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnIndex: The column number.
    • Return Value: The timestamp value of the specified column; if the value is NULL, returns null.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • String getNString(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column as a Java String. This method is used to read NCHAR, NVARCHAR, and LONGNVARCHAR types of columns to support international character sets.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnIndex: The column number (starting from 1).
    • Return Value: The value of the specified column; if the value is NULL, returns null.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • Object getObject(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column as a Java Object.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnIndex: The column number.
    • Return Value: The value of the specified column; if the value is NULL, returns null.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • String getString(String columnLabel) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column name as a Java String.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnLabel: The column label name.
    • Return Value: The value of the specified column name; if the value is NULL, returns null.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • boolean getBoolean(String columnLabel) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column name as a Java boolean.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnLabel: The column label name.
    • Return Value: true if the specified column name's value is true; if the value is false or NULL, returns false.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • byte getByte(String columnLabel) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column name as a Java byte.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnLabel: The column label name.
    • Return Value: The value of the specified column name; if the value is NULL, returns 0.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • short getShort(String columnLabel) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column name as a Java short.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnLabel: The column label name.
    • Return Value: The value of the specified column name; if the value is NULL, returns 0.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • int getInt(String columnLabel) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column name as a Java int.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnLabel: The column label name.
    • Return Value: The value of the specified column name; if the value is NULL, returns 0.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • long getLong(String columnLabel) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column name as a Java long.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnLabel: The column label name.
    • Return Value: The value of the specified column name; if the value is NULL, returns 0L.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • float getFloat(String columnLabel) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column name as a Java float.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnLabel: The column label name.
    • Return Value: The value of the specified column name; if the value is NULL, returns 0.0f.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • double getDouble(String columnLabel) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column name as a Java double.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnLabel: The column label name.
    • Return Value: The value of the specified column name; if the value is NULL, returns 0.0d.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • byte[] getBytes(String columnLabel) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column name as a byte array.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnLabel: The label of the column.
    • Return Value: Returns the value of the specified column name as a byte array; if the value is NULL, returns null.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • Date getDate(String columnLabel) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column name as a java.sql.Date object.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnLabel: The label of the column.
    • Return Value: Returns the date value of the specified column name; if the value is NULL, returns null.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • Time getTime(String columnLabel) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column name as a java.sql.Time object.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnLabel: The label of the column.
    • Return Value: Returns the time value of the specified column name; if the value is NULL, returns null.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • Timestamp getTimestamp(String columnLabel) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column name as a java.sql.Timestamp.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnLabel: The label of the column.
    • Return Value: Returns the timestamp value of the specified column name; if the value is NULL, returns null.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • String getNString(String columnLabel) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column name as a Java String. This method is used to read NCHAR, NVARCHAR, and LONGNVARCHAR type columns to support international character sets.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnLabel: The label of the column whose value is to be retrieved.
    • Return Value: The value of the specified column name; if the value is NULL, returns null.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • Object getObject(String columnLabel) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of the specified column name as a Java Object.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnLabel: The label of the column.
    • Return Value: Returns the value of the specified column name; if the value is NULL, returns null.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • int findColumn(String columnLabel) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the column number for a given column name.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnLabel: The label of the column.
    • Return Value: The column number for the given column name.
    • Exception: If the column name does not exist or a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • boolean isBeforeFirst() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Checks if the cursor is before the first row.
    • Return Value: Returns true if the cursor is before the first row; otherwise, returns false.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • boolean isAfterLast() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Checks if the cursor is after the last row.
    • Return Value: Returns true if the cursor is after the last row; otherwise, returns false.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • boolean isFirst() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Checks if the cursor is on the first row.
    • Return Value: Returns true if the cursor is on the first row; otherwise, returns false.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • boolean isLast() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Determines whether the cursor is on the last row.
    • Return Value: Returns true if the cursor is on the last row; otherwise, returns false.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if a database access error occurs.
  • int getRow() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Gets the row number of the current cursor position.
    • Return Value: The row number where the cursor is currently positioned; returns 0 if the cursor is outside the result set.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if a database access error occurs.
  • void setFetchSize(int rows) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Sets the number of rows for the database to return in the result set. This method is used to guide the database driver on the number of rows to fetch from the server each time, to reduce communication frequency or limit memory usage.
    • Parameter Description:
      • rows: The specified number of rows to fetch. If set to 0, the driver's default value is used.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the result set is closed or if the rows parameter is less than 0.
  • int getFetchSize() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Gets the fetch size of the current result set.
    • Return Value: The fetch size of the current result set.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the result set is closed.
  • int getType() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Gets the type of ResultSet.
    • Return Value: The type of ResultSet. Always returns ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, indicating that the result set cursor can only move forward.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the result set is closed.
  • int getConcurrency() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Gets the concurrency mode of ResultSet.
    • Return Value: The concurrency mode of ResultSet. Always returns ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, indicating that the result set cannot be updated.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the result set is closed.
  • <T> T getObject(String columnLabel, Class<T> type) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Retrieves the value of a specified column using the column label and the Class object for the return type. This allows users to convert column values directly into the desired type in a more flexible manner.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnLabel: The label name of the column whose value is to be retrieved.
      • type: The Class object of the expected return type in Java.
    • Return Value: The value of the specified column, returned in the specified type; returns null if the value is NULL.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if a database access error occurs or if the specified type conversion is not supported.

Result Set Metadata

ResultSetMetaData provides interfaces to obtain result set metadata. A ResultSetMetaData type object is obtained through the getMetaData interface of a ResultSet type object.

  • int getColumnCount() throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Gets the total number of columns in the result set.
    • Return Value: The number of columns in the result set.
  • boolean isSearchable(int column) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Determines whether a specified column can be used in a WHERE clause.
    • Parameter Description:
      • column: The column number (starting from 1).
    • Return Value: Returns true if the specified column can be used for searching; otherwise, returns false.
  • int isNullable(int column) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Determines whether the value of a specified column can be null.
    • Parameter Description:
      • column: The column number (starting from 1).
    • Return Value: The nullability status of the column, returning ResultSetMetaData.columnNoNulls, ResultSetMetaData.columnNullable, or ResultSetMetaData.columnNullableUnknown.
  • boolean isSigned(int column) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Determines whether the value of a specified column is a signed number.
    • Parameter Description:
      • column: The column number (starting from 1).
    • Return Value: Returns true if the column value is signed; otherwise, returns false.
  • int getColumnDisplaySize(int column) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Gets the maximum standard width of a specified column, in characters.
    • Parameter Description:
      • column: The column number (starting from 1).
    • Return Value: The maximum width of the column.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the column index is out of range.
  • String getColumnLabel(int column) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Gets the suggested title of a specified column, used for printing and display purposes.
    • Parameter Description:
      • column: The column number (starting from 1).
    • Return Value: The suggested title of the column.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the column index is out of range.
  • String getColumnName(int column) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Gets the name of a specified column.
    • Parameter Description:
      • column: The column number (starting from 1).
    • Return Value: The name of the column.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the column index is out of range.
  • int getPrecision(int column) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Gets the maximum precision of a specified column.
    • Parameter Description:
      • column: The column number (starting from 1).
    • Return Value: The maximum precision of the column.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the column index is out of range.
  • int getScale(int column) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Gets the number of decimal places to the right of the decimal point for a specified column.
    • Parameter Description:
      • column: The column number (starting from 1).
    • Return Value: The number of decimal places for the column.
    • Exception: Throws SQLException if the column index is out of range.
  • String getTableName(int column) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Gets the table name where a specified column is located.
    • Parameter Description:
      • column: The column number (starting from 1).
    • Return Value: The table name where the column is located.
  • String getCatalogName(int column) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Gets the database name where a specified column is located.
    • Parameter Description:
      • column: The column number (starting from 1).
    • Return Value: The database name where the column is located.
  • int getColumnType(int column) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Gets the SQL type of a specified column.
    • Parameter Description:
      • column: The column number (starting from 1).
    • Return Value: The SQL type, from java.sql.Types.
  • String getColumnTypeName(int column) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Gets the database-specific type name of a specified column.
    • Parameter Description:
      • column: The column number (starting from 1).
    • Return Value: The database-specific type name.
  • boolean isReadOnly(int column) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Determines whether a specified column is read-only.
    • Parameter Description:
      • column: The column number (starting from 1).
    • Return Value: Returns true if the column is read-only; otherwise, returns false.
  • String getColumnClassName(int column) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Gets the Java class name of a specified column.
    • Parameter Description:
      • column: The column number (starting from 1).
    • Return Value: The Java class name corresponding to the column value.

Parameter Binding

PreparedStatement allows the use of precompiled SQL statements, which can enhance performance and provide the capability of parameterized queries, thereby increasing security.
The JDBC driver provides two classes that implement the PreparedStatement interface:

  1. TSDBPreparedStatement corresponding to native connections
  2. TSWSPreparedStatement corresponding to WebSocket connections

Since the JDBC standard does not have a high-performance data binding interface, both TSDBPreparedStatement and TSWSPreparedStatement have added some methods to extend the parameter binding capabilities.

Note: Since PreparedStatement inherits the Statement interface, the repeated interfaces are not described again here, please refer to the corresponding descriptions in the Statement interface.

Standard Interface

  • void setNull(int parameterIndex, int sqlType) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Sets the SQL type of the specified parameter to NULL.
    • Parameter Description:
      • parameterIndex: An int type parameter, indicating the parameter index position in the precompiled statement.
      • sqlType: An int type parameter, indicating the SQL type to be set to NULL.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • void setBoolean(int parameterIndex, boolean x) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Sets the value of the specified parameter to a Java boolean.
    • Parameter Description:
      • parameterIndex: An int type parameter, indicating the parameter index position in the precompiled statement.
      • x: A boolean type parameter, indicating the value to be set.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • The following interfaces are similar to setBoolean, except for the type of value to be set, and are not described again:
    • void setByte(int parameterIndex, byte x) throws SQLException
    • void setShort(int parameterIndex, short x) throws SQLException
    • void setInt(int parameterIndex, int x) throws SQLException
    • void setLong(int parameterIndex, long x) throws SQLException
    • void setFloat(int parameterIndex, float x) throws SQLException
    • void setDouble(int parameterIndex, double x) throws SQLException
    • void setBigDecimal(int parameterIndex, BigDecimal x) throws SQLException
    • void setString(int parameterIndex, String x) throws SQLException
    • void setBytes(int parameterIndex, byte[] x) throws SQLException
    • void setDate(int parameterIndex, Date x) throws SQLException
    • void setTime(int parameterIndex, Time x) throws SQLException
    • void setTimestamp(int parameterIndex, Timestamp x) throws SQLException
  • void clearParameters() throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Clears all currently set parameter values.
    • Exception: If the precompiled statement is closed, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • void setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x, int targetSqlType) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Sets the value of the specified parameter using the given object, with the object's type specified by targetSqlType.
    • Parameter Description:
      • parameterIndex: An int type parameter, indicating the parameter index position in the precompiled statement.
      • x: An Object type parameter, indicating the value to be set.
      • targetSqlType: An int type parameter, indicating the SQL type of the x parameter.
    • Exception: If the precompiled statement is closed, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • void setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Sets the value of the specified parameter using the given object, with the object's type determined by the object itself.
    • Parameter Description:
      • parameterIndex: An int type parameter, indicating the parameter index position in the precompiled statement.
      • x: An Object type parameter, indicating the value to be set.
    • Exception: If the precompiled statement is closed or the parameter index is out of range, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Obtains the metadata related to the ResultSet object generated by this PreparedStatement object.
    • Return Value: If this PreparedStatement object has not yet performed any operations that generate a ResultSet object, it returns null; otherwise, it returns the metadata of this ResultSet object.
    • Exception: If a database access error occurs, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • ParameterMetaData getParameterMetaData() throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Obtains the type and property information of each parameter in this PreparedStatement object. See the Parameter Metadata section below for details.
    • Return Value: The parameter metadata of this PreparedStatement object.
    • Exception: If the precompiled statement is closed, a SQLException will be thrown.

Parameter Metadata

ParameterMetaData provides a parameter metadata interface:

  • int getParameterCount() throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Gets the number of parameters in the prepared statement.
    • Return Value: The number of parameters, type int.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the process of getting the number of parameters, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • boolean isSigned(int param) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Determines whether the specified parameter is a signed number.
    • Parameter Description:
      • param: The index of the parameter, type int.
    • Return Value: Returns true if the parameter is signed; otherwise, returns false.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the determination process, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • int getPrecision(int param) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Gets the precision of the specified parameter.
    • Parameter Description:
      • param: The index of the parameter, type int.
    • Return Value: The precision of the parameter, type int.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the process of getting the precision, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • int getScale(int param) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Gets the scale (number of decimal places) of the specified parameter.
    • Parameter Description:
      • param: The index of the parameter, type int.
    • Return Value: The scale of the parameter, type int.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the process of getting the scale, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • int getParameterType(int param) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Gets the SQL type of the specified parameter.
    • Parameter Description:
      • param: The index of the parameter, type int.
    • Return Value: The SQL type of the parameter, type int.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the process of getting the SQL type, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • String getParameterTypeName(int param) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Gets the SQL type name of the specified parameter.
    • Parameter Description:
      • param: The index of the parameter, type int.
    • Return Value: The SQL type name of the parameter, type String.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the process of getting the SQL type name, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • String getParameterClassName(int param) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Gets the Java class name of the specified parameter.
    • Parameter Description:
      • param: The index of the parameter, type int.
    • Return Value: The Java class name of the parameter, type String.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the process of getting the Java class name, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • int getParameterMode(int param) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Gets the mode of the specified parameter (e.g., IN, OUT, INOUT).
    • Parameter Description:
      • param: The index of the parameter, type int.
    • Return Value: The mode of the parameter, type int.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the process of getting the parameter mode, a SQLException will be thrown.

Extended Interface

  • void setTableName(String name) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Sets the table name for the current operation.
    • Parameter Description:
      • name: A String type parameter representing the table name to bind.
  • void setTagNull(int index, int type)

    • Interface Description: Sets a null value for the specified index tag.
    • Parameter Description:
      • index: The index position of the tag.
      • type: The data type of the tag.
  • void setTagBoolean(int index, boolean value)

    • Interface Description: Sets a boolean value for the specified index tag.
    • Parameter Description:
      • index: The index position of the tag.
      • value: The boolean value to set.
  • The following interfaces are similar to setTagBoolean, with different value types to set, and are not described further:

    • void setTagInt(int index, int value)
    • void setTagByte(int index, byte value)
    • void setTagShort(int index, short value)
    • void setTagLong(int index, long value)
    • void setTagTimestamp(int index, long value)
    • void setTagFloat(int index, float value)
    • void setTagDouble(int index, double value)
    • void setTagString(int index, String value)
    • void setTagNString(int index, String value)
    • void setTagJson(int index, String value)
    • void setTagVarbinary(int index, byte[] value)
    • void setTagGeometry(int index, byte[] value)
  • void setInt(int columnIndex, ArrayList<Integer> list) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Sets batch integer values for the specified column index.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnIndex: The index position of the column.
      • list: A list containing integer values.
    • Exception:
      • If an error occurs during the operation, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • The following interfaces are the same as setInt except for the type of value to be set:

    • void setFloat(int columnIndex, ArrayList<Float> list) throws SQLException
    • void setTimestamp(int columnIndex, ArrayList<Long> list) throws SQLException
    • void setLong(int columnIndex, ArrayList<Long> list) throws SQLException
    • void setDouble(int columnIndex, ArrayList<Double> list) throws SQLException
    • void setBoolean(int columnIndex, ArrayList<Boolean> list) throws SQLException
    • void setByte(int columnIndex, ArrayList<Byte> list) throws SQLException
    • void setShort(int columnIndex, ArrayList<Short> list) throws SQLException
  • void setString(int columnIndex, ArrayList<String> list, int size) throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Sets a list of string values for the specified column index.
    • Parameter Description:
      • columnIndex: The index position of the column.
      • list: A list containing string values.
      • size: The maximum length of all strings, generally the limit value of the table creation statement.
    • Exception:
      • If an error occurs during the operation, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • The following interfaces are the same as setString except for the type of value to be set:

    • void setVarbinary(int columnIndex, ArrayList<byte[]> list, int size) throws SQLException
    • void setGeometry(int columnIndex, ArrayList<byte[]> list, int size) throws SQLException
    • void setNString(int columnIndex, ArrayList<String> list, int size) throws SQLException
  • void columnDataAddBatch() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Adds the data set by array-style interfaces such as setInt(int columnIndex, ArrayList<Integer> list) to the current PrepareStatement object's batch.
    • Exception:
      • If an error occurs during the operation, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • void columnDataExecuteBatch() throws SQLException

    • Interface Description: Executes the batch operations of the current PrepareStatement object.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the operation, a SQLException will be thrown.

Data Subscription

JDBC standards do not support data subscription, therefore all interfaces in this chapter are extension interfaces. The TaosConsumer class provides consumer-related interfaces, ConsumerRecord provides consumption record-related interfaces, TopicPartition and OffsetAndMetadata provide partition information and offset metadata interfaces. Finally, ReferenceDeserializer and MapDeserializer provide support for deserialization.


  • TaosConsumer(Properties properties) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Consumer constructor
    • Parameter Description:
      • properties: A set of properties, see below for detailed supported properties.
    • Return Value: Consumer object
    • Exception: If creation fails, a SQLException will be thrown.

Consumer support property list:

  • td.connect.type: Connection method. jni: indicates using a dynamic library connection, ws/WebSocket: indicates using WebSocket for data communication. The default is jni.
  • bootstrap.servers: ip:port of the TDengine server, if using WebSocket connection, then it is the ip:port where taosAdapter is located.
  • Whether to allow automatic commit.
  • The group where the consumer belongs.
  • value.deserializer: Result set deserialization method, you can inherit com.taosdata.jdbc.tmq.ReferenceDeserializer, specify the result set bean, and implement deserialization. You can also inherit com.taosdata.jdbc.tmq.Deserializer and customize the deserialization method based on the SQL resultSet.
  • httpConnectTimeout: Connection creation timeout parameter, in ms, default is 5000 ms. Only valid under WebSocket connection.
  • messageWaitTimeout: Data transfer timeout parameter, in ms, default is 10000 ms. Only valid under WebSocket connection.
  • httpPoolSize: Maximum number of parallel requests under the same connection. Only valid under WebSocket connection.
  • TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_ENABLE_COMPRESSION: Whether to enable compression during transmission. Only effective when using WebSocket connection. true: enabled, false: disabled. Default is false.
  • TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_ENABLE_AUTO_RECONNECT: Whether to enable automatic reconnection. Only effective when using WebSocket connection. true: enabled, false: disabled. Default is false.
  • TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_RECONNECT_INTERVAL_MS: Automatic reconnection retry interval, in milliseconds, default value 2000. Only effective when PROPERTY_KEY_ENABLE_AUTO_RECONNECT is true.
  • TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_RECONNECT_RETRY_COUNT: Automatic reconnection retry count, default value 3, only effective when PROPERTY_KEY_ENABLE_AUTO_RECONNECT is true.

For other parameters, please refer to: Consumer parameter list, note that the default value of auto.offset.reset in message subscription has changed starting from TDengine server version

  • void subscribe(Collection<String> topics) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Subscribe to a set of topics.
    • Parameter Description:
      • topics: A Collection<String> type parameter, representing the list of topics to subscribe to.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the subscription process, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • void unsubscribe() throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Unsubscribe from all topics.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the unsubscribe process, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • Set<String> subscription() throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Get all currently subscribed topics.
    • Return Value: The return type is Set<String>, which is the collection of all currently subscribed topics.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the process of getting subscription information, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • ConsumerRecords<V> poll(Duration timeout) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Poll for messages.
    • Parameter Description:
      • timeout: A Duration type parameter, representing the polling timeout.
    • Return Value: The return type is ConsumerRecords<V>, which are the polled message records.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the polling process, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • void commitAsync() throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Asynchronously commit the offsets of the messages currently being processed.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the commit process, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • void commitSync() throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Synchronously commit the offsets of the messages currently being processed.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the commit process, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • void close() throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Close the consumer and release resources.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the closing process, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • void seek(TopicPartition partition, long offset) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Set the offset of a given partition to a specified position.
    • Parameter Description:
      • partition: A TopicPartition type parameter, representing the partition to operate on.
      • offset: A long type parameter, representing the offset to set.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the offset setting process, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • long position(TopicPartition tp) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Get the current offset of a given partition.
    • Parameter Description:
      • tp: A TopicPartition type parameter, representing the partition to query.
    • Return Value: The return type is long, which is the current offset of the given partition.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the process of getting the offset, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • Map<TopicPartition, Long> beginningOffsets(String topic) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Get the earliest offsets for each partition of a specified topic.
    • Parameter Description:
      • topic: A String type parameter, representing the topic to query.
    • Return Value: The return type is Map<TopicPartition, Long>, which are the earliest offsets for each partition of the specified topic.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the process of getting the earliest offsets, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • Map<TopicPartition, Long> endOffsets(String topic) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Get the latest offsets for each partition of a specified topic.
    • Parameter Description:
      • topic: A String type parameter, representing the topic to query.
    • Return Value: The return type is Map<TopicPartition, Long>, which are the latest offsets for each partition of the specified topic.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the process of getting the latest offsets, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • void seekToBeginning(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Set the offsets of a set of partitions to the earliest offsets.
    • Parameter Description:
      • partitions: A Collection<TopicPartition> type parameter, representing the set of partitions to operate on.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the offset setting process, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • void seekToEnd(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Set the offsets of a set of partitions to the latest offsets.
    • Parameter Description:
      • partitions: A Collection<TopicPartition> type parameter, representing the set of partitions to operate on.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the offset setting process, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • Set<TopicPartition> assignment() throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Get all partitions currently assigned to the consumer.
    • Return Value: The return type is Set<TopicPartition>, which are all partitions currently assigned to the consumer.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the process of getting the assigned partitions, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • OffsetAndMetadata committed(TopicPartition partition) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Get the last committed offset of a specified partition.
    • Parameter Description:
      • partition: A TopicPartition type parameter, representing the partition to query.
    • Return Value: The return type is OffsetAndMetadata, which is the last committed offset of the specified partition.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the process of getting the committed offset, a SQLException will be thrown.
  • Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> committed(Set<TopicPartition> partitions) throws SQLException
    • Interface Description: Get the last committed offsets of a set of partitions.
    • Parameter Description:
      • partitions: A Set<TopicPartition> type parameter, representing the set of partitions to query.
    • Return Value: The return type is Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata>, which are the last committed offsets of the set of partitions.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during the process of getting the committed offsets, a SQLException will be thrown.

Consumption Records

The ConsumerRecords class provides consumption record information, allowing iteration over ConsumerRecord objects.

ConsumerRecord provides the following interfaces:

  • String getTopic()
    • Interface Description: Get the message topic.
    • Return Value: The return type is String, which is the message topic.
  • String getDbName()
    • Interface Description: Get the database name.
    • Return Value: The return type is String, which is the database name.
  • int getVGroupId()
    • Interface Description: Get the virtual group ID.
    • Return Value: The return type is int, which is the virtual group ID.
  • V value()
    • Interface Description: Get the value of the message.
    • Return Value: The return type is V, which is the message value.
  • long getOffset()
    • Interface Description: Get the message offset.
    • Return Value: The return type is long, which is the message offset.

Partition Information

The TopicPartition class provides partition information, including the message topic and virtual group ID.

  • TopicPartition(String topic, int vGroupId)
    • Interface Description: Construct a new TopicPartition instance to represent a specific topic and virtual group ID.
    • Parameter Description:
      • topic: A String type parameter representing the message topic.
      • vGroupId: An int type parameter representing the virtual group ID.
  • String getTopic()
    • Interface Description: Get the topic of this TopicPartition instance.
    • Return Value: The return type is String, which is the topic of this TopicPartition instance.
  • int getVGroupId()
    • Interface Description: Get the virtual group ID of this TopicPartition instance.
    • Return Value: The return type is int, which is the virtual group ID of this TopicPartition instance.

Offset Metadata

The OffsetAndMetadata class provides offset metadata information.

  • long offset()
    • Interface Description: Get the offset in this OffsetAndMetadata instance.
    • Return Value: The return type is long, which is the offset in this OffsetAndMetadata instance.
  • String metadata()
    • Interface Description: Get the metadata in this OffsetAndMetadata instance.
    • Return Value: The return type is String, which is the metadata in this OffsetAndMetadata instance.


The JDBC driver provides two deserialization classes: ReferenceDeserializer and MapDeserializer. Both implement the Deserializer interface. ReferenceDeserializer is used to deserialize a consumed record into an object, ensuring that the object class's property names correspond to the consumed data's column names and that the types match. MapDeserializer will deserialize a consumed row of data into a Map<String, Object> object, with keys as column names and values as Java objects. Interfaces of ReferenceDeserializer and MapDeserializer are not directly called by users, please refer to usage examples.


JDBC Javadoc: JDBC Reference doc