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Create Table

You create standard tables and subtables with the CREATE TABLE statement.

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]tb_name (create_definition [, create_definition] ...) [table_options]

CREATE TABLE create_subtable_clause

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]tb_name (create_definition [, create_definition] ...)
[TAGS (create_definition [, create_definition] ...)]

create_subtable_clause: {
create_subtable_clause [create_subtable_clause] ...
| [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]tb_name USING [db_name.]stb_name [(tag_name [, tag_name] ...)] TAGS (tag_value [, tag_value] ...)

col_name column_definition

type_name [PRIMARY KEY] [ENCODE 'encode_type'] [COMPRESS 'compress_type'] [LEVEL 'level_type']

table_option ...

table_option: {
COMMENT 'string_value'
| SMA(col_name [, col_name] ...)
| TTL value

More explanations

  1. The first column of a table MUST be of type TIMESTAMP. It is automatically set as the primary key.
  2. In addition to the timestamp primary key column, an additional primary key column can be specified using the PRIMARY KEY keyword. The second column specified as the primary key must be of type integer or string (varchar).
  3. The maximum length of the table name is 192 bytes.
  4. The maximum length of each row is 48k(64k since version bytes, please note that the extra 2 bytes used by each BINARY/NCHAR/GEOMETRY column are also counted.
  5. The name of the subtable can only consist of characters from the English alphabet, digits and underscore. Table names can't start with a digit. Table names are case insensitive.
  6. The maximum length in bytes must be specified when using BINARY/NCHAR/GEOMETRY types.
  7. Escape character "`" can be used to avoid the conflict between table names and reserved keywords, above rules will be bypassed when using escape character on table names, but the upper limit for the name length is still valid. The table names specified using escape character are case sensitive. For example `aBc` and `abc` are different table names but abc and aBc are same table names because they are both converted to abc internally. Only ASCII visible characters can be used with escape character.
  8. For the details of using ENCODE and COMPRESS, please refer to Encode and Compress for Column.

Parameter description

  1. COMMENT: specifies comments for the table. This parameter can be used with supertables, standard tables, and subtables. The maximum length of the comment is 1024 bytes.
  2. SMA: specifies functions on which to enable small materialized aggregates (SMA). SMA is user-defined precomputation of aggregates based on data blocks. Enter one of the following values: max, min, or sum This parameter can be used with supertables and standard tables.
  3. TTL: specifies the time to live (TTL) for the table. If TTL is specified when creatinga table, after the time period for which the table has been existing is over TTL, TDengine will automatically delete the table. Please be noted that the system may not delete the table at the exact moment that the TTL expires but guarantee there is such a system and finally the table will be deleted. The unit of TTL is in days. The value range is [0, 2147483647]. The default value is 0, i.e. never expire.

Create Subtables

Create a Subtable

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tb_name USING stb_name TAGS (tag_value1, ...);

Create a Subtable with Specified Tags

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tb_name USING stb_name (tag_name1, ...) TAGS (tag_value1, ...);

The preceding SQL statement creates a subtable based on a supertable but specifies a subset of tags to use. Tags that are not included in this subset are assigned a null value.

Create Multiple Subtables

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tb_name1 USING stb_name TAGS (tag_value1, ...) [IF NOT EXISTS] tb_name2 USING stb_name TAGS (tag_value2, ...) ...;

You can create multiple subtables in a single SQL statement provided that all subtables use the same supertable. For performance reasons, do not create more than 3000 tables per statement.

Modify a Table

ALTER TABLE [db_name.]tb_name alter_table_clause

alter_table_clause: {
| ADD COLUMN col_name column_type
| DROP COLUMN col_name
| MODIFY COLUMN col_name column_type
| RENAME COLUMN old_col_name new_col_name

alter_table_option ...

alter_table_option: {
TTL value
| COMMENT 'string_value'

More explanations You can perform the following modifications on existing tables:

  1. ADD COLUMN: adds a column to the supertable.
  2. DROP COLUMN: deletes a column from the supertable.
  3. MODIFY COLUMN: changes the length of the data type specified for the column. Note that you can only specify a length greater than the current length.
  4. RENAME COLUMN: renames a specified column in the table.
  5. The primary key column of a table cannot be modified or added or deleted using ADD/DROP COLUMN.

Parameter description

  1. COMMENT: specifies comments for the table. This parameter can be used with supertables, standard tables, and subtables. The maximum length of the comment is 1024 bytes.
  2. TTL: specifies the time to live (TTL) for the table. If TTL is specified when creatinga table, after the time period for which the table has been existing is over TTL, TDengine will automatically delete the table. Please be noted that the system may not delete the table at the exact moment that the TTL expires but guarantee there is such a system and finally the table will be deleted. The unit of TTL is in days. The value range is [0, 2147483647]. The default value is 0, i.e. never expire.

Add a Column

ALTER TABLE tb_name ADD COLUMN field_name data_type;

Delete a Column

ALTER TABLE tb_name DROP COLUMN field_name;

Modify the Data Length

ALTER TABLE tb_name MODIFY COLUMN field_name data_type(length);

Rename a Column

ALTER TABLE tb_name RENAME COLUMN old_col_name new_col_name

Alter Table TTL

ALTER TABLE tb_name TTL value

Alter Table Comment

ALTER TABLE tb_name COMMENT 'string_value'

Modify a Subtable

ALTER TABLE [db_name.]tb_name alter_table_clause

alter_table_clause: {
| SET TAG tag_name = new_tag_value

alter_table_option ...

alter_table_option: {
TTL value
| COMMENT 'string_value'

More explanations

  1. Only the value of a tag can be modified directly. For all other modifications, you must modify the supertable from which the subtable was created.

Parameter description

  1. COMMENT: specifies comments for the table. This parameter can be used with supertables, standard tables, and subtables. The maximum length of the comment is 1024 bytes.
  2. TTL: specifies the time to live (TTL) for the table. If TTL is specified when creatinga table, after the time period for which the table has been existing is over TTL, TDengine will automatically delete the table. Please be noted that the system may not delete the table at the exact moment that the TTL expires but guarantee there is such a system and finally the table will be deleted. The unit of TTL is in days. The value range is [0, 2147483647]. The default value is 0, i.e. never expire.

Change Tag Value Of Sub Table

ALTER TABLE tb_name SET TAG tag_name=new_tag_value;

Alter Table TTL

ALTER TABLE tb_name TTL value

Alter Table Comment

ALTER TABLE tb_name COMMENT 'string_value'

Delete a Table

The following SQL statement deletes one or more tables.

DROP TABLE [IF EXISTS] [db_name.]tb_name [, [IF EXISTS] [db_name.]tb_name] ...

Note:Dropping a table doesn't release the disk space occupied by the table, instead all the rows in the table are marked as deleted, so these data will not occur when querying. The disk space will be released when the system automatically performs compact operation or the user performs compact manually.

View Tables

View All Tables

The following SQL statement shows all tables in the current database.

SHOW TABLES [LIKE tb_name_wildchar];

View the CREATE Statement for a Table


This command is useful in migrating data from one TDengine cluster to another because it can be used to create the exact same tables in the target database.

View the Table Schema

DESCRIBE [db_name.]tb_name;