Tag of type JSON
create stable s1 (ts timestamp, v1 int) tags (info json)
create table s1_1 using s1 tags ('{"k1": "v1"}') -
"->" Operator of JSON
select * from s1 where info->'k1' = 'v1'
select info->'k1' from s1 -
"contains" Operator of JSON
select * from s1 where info contains 'k2'
select * from s1 where info contains 'k1'
Applicable Operations
When a JSON data type is used in
,match/nmatch/between and/like/and/or/is null/is no null
can be used butin
can't be used.select * from s1 where info->'k1' match 'v*';
select * from s1 where info->'k1' like 'v%' and info contains 'k2';
select * from s1 where info is null;
select * from s1 where info->'k1' is not null -
A tag of JSON type can be used in
group by
,order by
,union all
and sub query; for examplegroup by json->'key'
can be used with a tag of type JSONselect distinct info->'k1' from s1
Tag Operations
The value of a JSON tag can be altered. Please note that the full JSON will be overridden when doing this.
The name of a JSON tag can be altered.
A tag of JSON type can't be added or removed. The column length of a JSON tag can't be changed.
Other Restrictions
JSON type can only be used for a tag. There can be only one tag of JSON type, and it's exclusive to any other types of tags.
The maximum length of keys in JSON is 256 bytes, and key must be printable ASCII characters. The maximum total length of a JSON is 4,096 bytes.
JSON format:
- The input string for JSON can be empty, i.e. "", "\t", or NULL, but it can't be non-NULL string, bool or array.
- object can be , and the entire JSON is empty if so. Key can be "", and it's ignored if so.
- value can be int, double, string, bool or NULL, and it can't be an array. Nesting is not allowed which means that the value of a key can't be JSON.
- If one key occurs twice in JSON, only the first one is valid.
- Escape characters are not allowed in JSON.
NULL is returned when querying a key that doesn't exist in JSON.
If a tag of JSON is the result of inner query, it can't be parsed and queried in the outer query.
For example, the SQL statements below are not supported.
select jtag->'key' from (select jtag from stable)
select jtag->'key' from (select jtag from stable) where jtag->'key'>0