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Set Up taosX-Agent Reference Guide


This section explains how to deploy the Agent (for taosX).


The default configuration file for the Agent is located at /etc/taos/agent.toml, and it includes the following configuration items:

  • endpoint: Mandatory, the GRPC service address of taosX.
  • token: Mandatory, the Token generated when creating the Agent on Explorer.
  • compression: Optional, can be true or false, default to false. If configured to true, enable communication data compression between Agent and taosX.
  • log_level: Optional, log level, default is info. Similar to taosX, it supports error, warn, info, debug, trace.
  • log_keep_days: Optional, the number of days to keep logs, default is 30 days.

As shown below:

endpoint = "grpc://<taosx-ip>:6055"
token = "<token>"
compression = true
log_level = "info"
log_keep_days = 30

Start taos-Agent

On Linux, use the systemctl command to start the taosX agent:

systemctl start taosx-agent

On Windows, open the Services app and start the taosx-agent service.


You can view the log file or use the journalctl command to view Agent log files.

The command to view logs using journalctl on Linux is as follows:

journalctl -u taosx-agent [-f]