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Frequently Asked Questions

Issue Feedback

If the information in the FAQ does not help you, and you need technical support and assistance from the TDengine technical team, please package the contents of the following two directories:

  1. /var/log/taos (if the default path has not been modified)
  2. /etc/taos (if no other configuration file path has been specified)

Attach the necessary problem description, including the version information of TDengine used, platform environment information, the operations performed when the problem occurred, the manifestation of the problem, and the approximate time, and submit an issue on GitHub.

To ensure there is enough debug information, if the problem can be reproduced, please modify the /etc/taos/taos.cfg file, add a line at the end "debugFlag 135" (without the quotes themselves), then restart taosd, reproduce the problem, and then submit it. You can also temporarily set the log level of taosd using the following SQL statement.

alter dnode <dnode_id> 'debugFlag' '135';

Get the dnode_id from the output of the show dnodes; command.

However, when the system is running normally, be sure to set the debugFlag to 131, otherwise, it will generate a large amount of log information and reduce system efficiency.

List of Common Questions

1. What should I pay attention to when upgrading from versions before TDengine3.0 to version 3.0 and above?

Version 3.0 is a complete reconstruction based on previous versions, and the configuration files and data files are not compatible. Be sure to perform the following operations before upgrading:

  1. Delete the configuration file, execute sudo rm -rf /etc/taos/taos.cfg
  2. Delete the log files, execute sudo rm -rf /var/log/taos/
  3. Under the premise that the data is no longer needed, delete the data files, execute sudo rm -rf /var/lib/taos/
  4. Install the latest stable version of TDengine 3.0
  5. If data migration is needed or data files are damaged, please contact the official technical support team of Taos Data for assistance

4. What should I do if I encounter the error "Unable to establish connection"?

If the client encounters a connection failure, please follow the steps below to check:

  1. Check the network environment
  • Cloud server: Check if the security group of the cloud server has opened access permissions for TCP/UDP ports 6030/6041
  • Local virtual machine: Check if the network can ping through, try to avoid using localhost as the hostname
  • Company server: If it is a NAT network environment, be sure to check if the server can return messages to the client
  1. Ensure that the client and server version numbers are exactly the same, open source community edition and enterprise edition cannot be mixed

  2. On the server, execute systemctl status taosd to check the taosd running status. If it is not running, start taosd

  3. Confirm that the correct server FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name —— can be obtained by executing the Linux/macOS command hostname -f on the server) was specified when the client connected.

  4. Ping the server FQDN, if there is no response, please check your network, DNS settings, or the system hosts file of the client's computer. If a TDengine cluster is deployed, the client needs to be able to ping all cluster node FQDNs.

  5. Check the firewall settings (use ufw status on Ubuntu, use firewall-cmd --list-port on CentOS), ensure that all hosts in the cluster can communicate on ports 6030/6041 for TCP/UDP protocols.

  6. For Linux JDBC (ODBC, Python, Go, and similar interfaces) connections, ensure that is in the directory /usr/local/taos/driver, and that /usr/local/taos/driver is in the system library search path LD_LIBRARY_PATH

  7. For JDBC connections on macOS (similar for ODBC, Python, Go, etc.), ensure that libtaos.dylib is in the directory /usr/local/lib, and that /usr/local/lib is included in the system library search path LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

  8. For JDBC, ODBC, Python, Go, etc., connections on Windows, ensure that C:\TDengine\driver\taos.dll is in your system library search directory (it is recommended to place taos.dll in the directory C:\Windows\System32).

  9. If you still cannot eliminate connection issues:

    • On Linux/macOS, use the command line tool nc to separately check if the TCP and UDP connections on the specified port are clear:

      • Check if the UDP port connection is working: nc -vuz {hostIP} {port}
      • Check if the server-side TCP port connection is working: nc -l {port}
      • Check if the client-side TCP port connection is working: nc {hostIP} {port}
    • On Windows, use the PowerShell command Test-NetConnection -ComputerName {fqdn} -Port {port} to check if the server-side port is accessible.

  10. You can also use the network connectivity test feature embedded in the taos program to verify whether the specified port connection between the server and client is clear: Operation Guide.

5. What to do if you encounter the error "Unable to resolve FQDN"?

This error occurs because the client or data node cannot resolve the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name). For the TAOS Shell or client applications, please check the following:

  1. Check if the FQDN of the server you are connecting to is correct.
  2. If there is a DNS server in the network configuration, check if it is working properly
  3. If there is no DNS server configured in the network, check the hosts file on the client machine to see if the FQDN is configured and has the correct IP address
  4. If the network configuration is OK, you need to be able to ping the FQDN from the client machine, otherwise the client cannot connect to the server
  5. If the server has previously used TDengine and changed the hostname, it is recommended to check if the dnode.json in the data directory matches the currently configured EP, typically located at /var/lib/taos/dnode. Normally, it is advisable to change to a new data directory or backup and delete the previous data directory to avoid this issue.
  6. Check /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname for the pre-configured FQDN

6. What is the most effective method for data insertion?

Batch insertion. Each insert statement can insert multiple records into one table at the same time, or multiple records into multiple tables simultaneously.

7. How to solve the issue of Chinese characters in nchar type data being parsed as garbled text on Windows systems?

When inserting nchar type data containing Chinese characters on Windows, first ensure that the system's regional settings are set to China (this can be set in the Control Panel). At this point, the taos client in cmd should already be working properly; if developing a Java application in an IDE, such as Eclipse or IntelliJ, ensure that the file encoding in the IDE is set to GBK (which is the default encoding type for Java), then initialize the client configuration when creating the Connection, as follows:

Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty(TSDBDriver.LOCALE_KEY, "UTF-8");
Connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, properties);

8. How to display Chinese characters correctly on Windows client systems?

In Windows systems, Chinese characters are generally stored using GBK/GB18030 encoding, while the default character set for TDengine is UTF-8. When using the TDengine client on Windows, the client driver will convert characters to UTF-8 encoding before sending them to the server for storage. Therefore, during application development, it is essential to correctly configure the current Chinese character set.

When running the TDengine client command line tool taos on Windows 10, if you cannot properly input or display Chinese characters, you can configure the client taos.cfg as follows:

locale C
charset UTF-8

9. Table Name Not Displaying Fully

Due to the limited display width in the TDengine CLI terminal, longer table names may not be displayed fully. If operations are performed using these incomplete table names, a "Table does not exist" error may occur. This can be resolved by modifying the maxBinaryDisplayWidth setting in the taos.cfg file, or by directly entering the command set max_binary_display_width 100. Alternatively, use the \G parameter at the end of the command to adjust the display format of the results.

10. How to Migrate Data?

TDengine uniquely identifies a machine by its hostname. For version 3.0, when moving data files from Machine A to Machine B, it is necessary to reconfigure the hostname of Machine B to that of Machine A.

Note: The storage structures of versions 3.x and earlier versions 1.x, 2.x are not compatible. It is necessary to use migration tools or develop applications to export and import data.

11. How to Temporarily Adjust Log Levels in the Command Line Program taos

For debugging convenience, the command line program taos has added instructions related to log recording:

ALTER LOCAL local_option

local_option: {
| 'rpcDebugFlag' 'value'
| 'tmrDebugFlag' 'value'
| 'cDebugFlag' 'value'
| 'uDebugFlag' 'value'
| 'debugFlag' 'value'

This means that in the current command line program, you can clear all log files generated by local clients (resetLog), or modify the log recording level of a specific module (only effective for the current command line program; if the taos command line program is restarted, the settings need to be reapplied):

  • The value can be: 131 (output error and warning logs), 135 (output error, warning, and debug logs), 143 (output error, warning, debug, and trace logs).

12. How to Resolve Compilation Failures of Components Written in Go?

Version 3.0 of TDengine includes a standalone component developed in Go called taosAdapter, which needs to be run separately to provide RESTful access and support data access from various other software (Prometheus, Telegraf, collectd, StatsD, etc.). To compile using the latest develop branch code, first run git submodule update --init --recursive to download the taosAdapter repository code before compiling.

The Go language version requirement is 1.14 or higher. If there are Go compilation errors, often due to issues accessing Go mod in China, they can be resolved by setting Go environment variables:

go env -w GO111MODULE=on
go env -w GOPROXY=,direct

13. How to Check the Storage Space Used by Data?

By default, TDengine's data files are stored in /var/lib/taos, and log files are stored in /var/log/taos.

To view the specific size occupied by all data files, execute the Shell command: du -sh /var/lib/taos/vnode --exclude='wal'. This excludes the WAL directory because its size is almost constant under continuous writing, and the WAL directory is cleared each time TDengine is normally shut down to let data settle.

To view the size occupied by a single database, specify the database in the command line program taos and execute show vgroups;. Then, check the size of the folders contained in /var/lib/taos/vnode using the obtained VGroup id.

15. How is Time Zone Information Handled for Timestamps?

In TDengine, the time zone of timestamps is always handled by the client, independent of the server. Specifically, the client converts timestamps in SQL statements to the UTC time zone (i.e., Unix Timestamp) before sending them to the server for writing and querying; when reading data, the server also provides the original data in the UTC time zone, and the client then converts the timestamps to the local time zone required by the local system for display.

The client handles timestamp strings with the following logic:

  1. By default, without special settings, the client uses the time zone settings of the operating system it is running on.
  2. If the timezone parameter is set in taos.cfg, the client will follow the settings in this configuration file.
  3. If the timezone is explicitly specified when establishing a database connection in Connector Drivers for various programming languages such as C/C++/Java/Python, that specified time zone setting will be used. For example, the Java Connector's JDBC URL includes a timezone parameter.
  4. When writing SQL statements, you can also directly use Unix timestamps (e.g., 1554984068000) or timestamps with time zone strings, either in RFC 3339 format (e.g., 2013-04-12T15:52:01.123+08:00) or ISO-8601 format (e.g., 2013-04-12T15:52:01.123+0800). In these cases, the values of these timestamps are not affected by other time zone settings.

16. What network ports are used by TDengine 3.0?

For the network ports used, please refer to the document: Operation Guide

Note that the listed port numbers are based on the default port 6030. If the settings in the configuration file are modified, the listed ports will change accordingly. Administrators can refer to the above information to adjust firewall settings.

17. Why is there no response from the RESTful interface, Grafana cannot add TDengine as a data source, or TDengineGUI cannot connect even using port 6041?

This phenomenon may be caused by taosAdapter not being started correctly. You need to execute: systemctl start taosadapter to start the taosAdapter service.

It should be noted that the log path for taosAdapter needs to be configured separately, the default path is /var/log/taos; there are 8 levels of logLevel, the default level is info, setting it to panic can disable log output. Be aware of the space size of the operating system's / directory, which can be modified through command line parameters, environment variables, or configuration files. The default configuration file is /etc/taos/taosadapter.toml.

For a detailed introduction to the taosAdapter component, please see the document: taosAdapter

18. What to do if OOM occurs?

OOM is a protection mechanism of the operating system. When the memory (including SWAP) of the operating system is insufficient, it will kill some processes to ensure the stable operation of the operating system. Usually, insufficient memory is mainly caused by two reasons: one is that the remaining memory is less than vm.min_free_kbytes; the other is that the memory requested by the program is greater than the remaining memory. Another situation is that there is sufficient memory, but the program occupies a special memory address, which can also trigger OOM.

TDengine pre-allocates memory for each VNode, the number of VNodes per Database is affected by the vgroups parameter set during database creation, and the memory size occupied by each VNode is affected by the buffer parameter. To prevent OOM, it is necessary to plan memory reasonably at the beginning of the project and set SWAP appropriately. In addition, querying excessive data can also cause a surge in memory, depending on the specific query statement. TDengine Enterprise Edition has optimized memory management with a new memory allocator, which is recommended for users with higher stability requirements.

19. What to do if encountering "Too many open files" on macOS?

The error "Too many open files" in taosd log files is due to taosd opening more files than the system's limit. Here are the solutions:

  1. Create a file /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxfiles.plist, write the following content (the example changes limit and maxfiles to 100,000, modify as needed):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
<plist version="1.0">
  1. Modify file permissions
sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxfiles.plist
sudo chmod 644 /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxfiles.plist
  1. Load the plist file (or it will take effect after restarting the system. launchd will automatically load the plist in this directory at startup)
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxfiles.plist
  1. Confirm the changed limit
launchctl limit maxfiles

20. Prompted with "Out of dnodes" when creating a database or "Vnodes exhausted" when creating a table

This prompt indicates that the number of vnodes required for creating the db is not enough, exceeding the upper limit of vnodes in the dnode. By default, a dnode contains twice the number of CPU cores worth of vnodes, which can also be controlled by the supportVnodes parameter in the configuration file. Normally, increase the supportVnodes parameter in taos.cfg.

21 Why can data from a specified time period be queried using taos-CLI on the server, but not on the client machine?

This issue is due to the client and server having different time zone settings. Adjusting the client's time zone to match the server's will resolve the issue.

22 The table name is confirmed to exist, but returns "table name does not exist" when writing or querying, why?

In TDengine, all names, including database names and table names, are case-sensitive. If these names are not enclosed in backticks (`) in the program or taos-CLI, even if you input them in uppercase, the engine will convert them to lowercase for use. If the names are enclosed in backticks, the engine will not convert them to lowercase and will use them as is.

23 How to fully display field content in taos-CLI queries?

You can use the \G parameter for vertical display, such as show databases\G\; (for ease of input, press TAB after "" to automatically complete the content).

24 Why is querying very fast when using the taosBenchmark testing tool to write data, but very slow when I write data?

When TDengine writes data, severe disorder in the write sequence can significantly affect query performance. Therefore, it is necessary to resolve the disorder before writing. If the business writes from Kafka consumption, please design the consumer reasonably, try to have one consumer consume and write the data of one subtable to avoid disorder caused by design.

25 How can I calculate the time difference between two consecutive write records?

Use the DIFF function, which allows you to view the difference between two consecutive records in a time or numeric column, very conveniently. See SQL Manual -> Functions -> DIFF for details.

26 Encountering error "DND ERROR Version not compatible, cliver: 3000700 swr wer: 3020300"

This indicates that the client and server versions are incompatible. Here, the cliver version is, and the server version is The current compatibility strategy is that the first three digits must match for the client and server to be compatible.

27 After changing the root password of the database, starting taos encounters the error "failed to connect to server, reason: Authentication failure"

By default, starting the taos service will use the system's default username (root) and password to attempt to connect to taosd. After changing the root password, starting a taos connection will require specifying the username and password, for example: taos -h -u root -p, then enter the new password to connect.

28 After changing the root password of the database, the Grafana monitoring plugin TDinsight shows no data

The data displayed in the TDinsight plugin is collected and stored in TD's log database through the taosKeeper and taosAdapter services. After changing the root password, it is necessary to update the corresponding password information in the configuration files of taosKeeper and taosAdapter, and then restart the taosKeeper and taosAdapter services (Note: if it is a cluster, restart the corresponding services on each node).

29 Encountering error "some vnode/qnode/mnode(s) out of service", what to do?

The client has not configured the FQDN resolution for all server nodes. For example, if there are 3 nodes on the server, the client has only configured the FQDN resolution for 1 node.

30 Why does the open-source version of TDengine's main process establish a connection with the public network?

This connection only reports the most basic information that does not involve any user data, used by the official to understand the global distribution of the product, thereby optimizing the product and enhancing user experience. The specific collection items include: cluster name, operating system version, CPU information, etc. This feature is an optional configuration item, which is enabled by default in the open-source version. The specific parameter is telemetryReporting, as explained in the official documentation. You can disable this parameter at any time by modifying telemetryReporting to 0 in taos.cfg, then restarting the database service. Code located at: Additionally, for the highly secure enterprise version, TDengine Enterprise, this parameter will not be operational.

31 What should I do if I encounter 'Sync leader is unreachable' when connecting to the cluster for the first time?

Reporting this error indicates that the first connection to the cluster was successful, but the IP address accessed for the first time was not the leader of mnode. An error occurred when the client attempted to establish a connection with the leader. The client searches for the leader node through EP, which specifies the fqdn and port number. There are two common reasons for this error:

  • The ports of other dnodes in the cluster are not open
  • The client's hosts file is not configured correctly

Therefore, first, check whether all ports on the server and cluster (default 6030 for native connections and 6041 for HTTP connections) are open; Next, check if the client's hosts file has configured the fqdn and IP information for all dnodes in the cluster. If the issue still cannot be resolved, it is necessary to contact Taos technical personnel for support.

32 Why is the original database lost and the cluster ID changed when the data directory dataDir of the database remains unchanged on the same server?

Background: When the TDengine server process (taosd) starts, if there are no valid data file subdirectories (such as mnode, dnode, and vnode) under the data directory (dataDir, which is specified in the configuration file taos.cfg), these directories will be created automatically.When a new mnode directory is created, a new cluster ID will be allocated to generate a new cluster.

Cause analysis: The data directory dataDir of taosd can point to multiple different mount points.If these mount points are not configured for automatic mounting in the fstab file, after the server restarts, dataDir will only exist as a normal directory of the local disk, and it will not point to the mounted disk as expected.At this point, if the taosd service is started, it will create a new directory under dataDir to generate a new cluster.

Impact of the problem: After the server is restarted, the original database is lost (note: it is not really lost, but the original data disk is not attached and cannot be seen for the time being) and the cluster ID changes, resulting in the inability to access the original database. For enterprise users, if they have been authorized for the cluster ID, they will also find that the machine code of the cluster server has not changed, but the original authorization has expired.If the problem is not monitored or found and handled in time, the user will not notice that the original database has been lost, resulting in losses and increased operation and maintenance costs.

Problem solving: You should configure the automatic mount of the dataDir directory in the fstab file to ensure that the dataDir always points to the expected mount point and directory. At this point, restarting the server will retrieve the original database and cluster. In the subsequent version, we will develop a function to enable taosd to exit in the startup phase when it detects that the dataDir changes before and after startup, and provide corresponding error prompts.

33 How to solve MVCP1400.DLL loss when running TDengine on Windows platform?

  1. Reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable: As msvcp140.dll is part of Microsoft Visual C++Redistributable, reinstalling this package usually resolves most issues. You can download the corresponding version from the official Microsoft website for installation
  2. Manually download and replace the msvcp140.dll file online: You can download the msvcp140.dll file from a reliable source and copy it to the corresponding directory in the system. Ensure that the downloaded files match your system architecture (32-bit or 64 bit) and ensure the security of the source

34 Which fast query data from super table with TAG filter or child table ?

Directly querying from child table is fast. The query from super table with TAG filter is designed to meet the convenience of querying. It can filter data from multiple child tables at the same time. If the goal is to pursue performance and the child table has been clearly queried, directly querying from the sub table can achieve higher performance

35 How to view data compression ratio indicators?

Currently, TDengine only provides compression ratios based on tables, not databases or the entire system. To view the compression ratios, execute the SHOW TABLE DISTRIBUTED table_name; command in the client taos-CLI. The table_name can be a super table, regular table, or subtable. For details Click Here