This chapter is mainly written for system administrators. It covers download, install/uninstall, data import/export, system monitoring, user management, connection management, capacity planning and system optimization.
📄️ Install & Uninstall
Install, Uninstall, Start, Stop and Upgrade
📄️ Resource Planning
It is important to plan computing and storage resources if using TDengine to build an IoT, time-series or Big Data platform. How to plan the CPU, memory and disk resources required, will be described in this chapter.
📄️ Fault Tolerance
Fault Tolerance
📄️ User Management
A system operator can use TDengine CLI taos to create or remove users or change passwords. The SQL commands are documented below:
📄️ Data Import
There are multiple ways of importing data provided by TDengine: import with script, import from data file, import using taosdump.
📄️ Data Export
There are two ways of exporting data from a TDengine cluster:
📄️ Connections & Tasks
A system operator can use the TDengine CLI to show connections, ongoing queries, stream computing, and can close connections or stop ongoing query tasks or stream computing.
📄️ TDengine Monitoring
After TDengine is started, a database named log is created automatically to help with monitoring. Information that includes CPU, memory and disk usage, bandwidth, number of requests, disk I/O speed, slow queries, is written into the log database at a predefined interval. Additionally, some important system operations, like logon, create user, drop database, and alerts and warnings generated in TDengine are written into the log database too. A system operator can view the data in log database from TDengine CLI or from a web console.
📄️ Performance Optimization
After a TDengine cluster has been running for a long enough time, because of data insertion, table deletion and deletion of expired data, there may be fragments in data files and query performance may be impacted. To resolve the problem of fragments, since version a new SQL command COMPACT can be used to defragment data files.
📄️ Problem Diagnostics
Network Connection Diagnostics